New Policy on Electronic Resources

The library has posted a new policy on electronic resources:
Licensed Electronic Resources Acceptable Use Guidelines
The electronic resources provided by the Ursula C. Schwerin Library are governed by legally binding license agreements, negotiated between the library and the publishers. These licenses allow students, faculty, staff, and other authorized users to access the resources for non-commercial, educational and scholarly purposes. Off-campus use requires confirmation of affiliation with City Tech.
Users of library-licensed resources must comply with U.S. Copyright Law (including the protections of Fair use) and licensing agreements of the publishers. Breach of license may lead a publisher/vendor to terminate the College’s access.


Use of any software designed to automatically browse the web (“robots”, “spiders”, “crawlers”, etc.), record web browsing activity, or systematically download content for offline use is expressly forbidden and jeopardizes the entire College’s access to that resource.

Violators may face disciplinary action.
Examples of prohibited activities:


  • Downloading all articles in a journal issue;
  • Downloading articles from most issues of a journal;
  • Sizable downloads of database reports;
  • Sharing usernames and passwords;
  • Posting copyrighted materials on publicly accessible websites;
  • Using electronic resources for commercial use.

More computer user policies can be found at:

Winter 2008 Electronic Resources Update

New content and other news :: See our electronic resources pages for links to these resources.

New digital dictionaries and encyclopedias
v Oxford Language Dictionaries Online
v New online encyclopedias from Oxford University Press (also available via Oxford Reference Online)

o Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts
o The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture
o Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America
o Encyclopedia of Global Change
o Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture
o The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts
o The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance
o Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History
o Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (coming later this semester)

New databases
v CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online): Scholarship in international affairs including working papers, occasional papers, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs as well as teaching materials.
v Earthscape: Comprehensive aggregation of resources in the earth and environmental sciences
v NYCdata from Baruch (free) New ejournals
v JSTOR Health and General Sciences :: title list
American Chemical Society Legacy Archives: content is blended into American Chemical Society
v Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
v Select new solo ejournals :: find via Serials Solutions

o Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
o Journal of Gerontological Nursing
o Journal of Travel Research
o Journal of Culinary Science

Upgrades to existing databases
v Gale Virtual Reference expanded with many new and updated titles
v MathSciNet now links out to full-text finder
v Expansion of many Wilson databases to full text
v New interface for Lexis-Nexis Questions?
Contact Prof. Monica Berger at