Our fabulous Alexander Street databases are perfect for use in-class, particularly AMERICAN HISTORY IN VIDEO. Did you know you can link directly to specific videos and create custom clips?
On the anniversary of the Cuban Missile Crisis, here’s related videos from this collection.
New Content for American History in Video
from Alexander Street: There has been another new content load for American History in Video — 1,008 new titles/253 new hours. The collection is now over halfway complete, with 1019 hours live.
Highlights Include:
* Newsreel Films and Black Panther Party Library
11 titles from the 1960’s era, including Columbia Revolt (about the Columbia sit-in) and 10 films from the Black Panther Party Library, including Marty Kenner, Movement Lawyers, Wheelock Conference, and Repression
* Documentary Educational Resources
Six new films, including Indian Self Rule, The Earth Is Our Home, and Kamikaze: Testimonials from WWII Suicide Pilots
* Presidential inauguration footage from the National Archives in Maryland
* Space footage and films from NASA
* Hundreds more releases from Universal Newsreel
In addition to the films themselves there are also many new Release Notes available (seen either in the Newsreel Browse area or in the Summary tab on the video screen)
* The Big Picture Series
From the Office of the Chief Signal Officer, showcasing military life and events of the Korean War era
* Vision USA Series
From the US Information Agency/Department of State, a 1970’s era series presenting American life and history to overseas audiences as a form of diplomacy
*Great archival footage showing campaign ads from 1960, the 1939-1940 World’s Fair, old Native American footage, US film defending the Japanese-American internment, and more
You can see all of the new titles by going to the What’s New page at this link — http://ahiv.alexanderstreet.com/WhatsNew
Want to link to a specific video in AHiV?
Want to link to a specific video in American History in Video ? Click here for a list of stable URLs. The file is a zip file.