Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos

The library has a new exhibit called Living Off the Land in Space: Green Roads to the Cosmos. Read below for more information.
C. Bangs, who served as a NASA Faculty Fellow in 2002-04, created the art in this exhibition. Living in the Land in Space, which Ms. Bangs coauthored with her husband, Prof. Gregory Matloff of the NYCCT Physics Department and NASA manager Les Johnson, was publisher by Springer-Copernicus in 2007. Living Off the Land in Space demonstrates how future space pioneers and explorers might utilize the resources of the solar system, just as terrestrial pioneers and explorers used the resources of the Earth in spreading human settlement aroudn the globe. Space is not about individual heroics or national pride. Ultimately, it deals with the survival of the human species and other terrestrial life forms.
This exhibit will be on display in the Library during the months of March and April, 2008.

New Books at City Tech Library

Selected new books that we have just added to our collection are available to browse and to check out. The New Book Shelf is near the circulation desk in the library. The books that appear there are just a sampling of the many new books we add to the collection every year. More new books will appear on the new book shelf regularly, so check back whenever you visit the library.
new book

Winter 2008 Electronic Resources Update

New content and other news :: See our electronic resources pages for links to these resources.

New digital dictionaries and encyclopedias
v Oxford Language Dictionaries Online
v New online encyclopedias from Oxford University Press (also available via Oxford Reference Online)

o Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts
o The Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture
o Oxford Encyclopedia of Food and Drink in America
o Encyclopedia of Global Change
o Grove Encyclopedia of Classical Art & Architecture
o The Grove Encyclopedia of Decorative Arts
o The Oxford Encyclopedia of Theatre and Performance
o Oxford Encyclopedia of Women in World History
o Oxford Encyclopedia of the Modern World (coming later this semester)

New databases
v CIAO (Columbia International Affairs Online): Scholarship in international affairs including working papers, occasional papers, proceedings from conferences, books, journals and policy briefs as well as teaching materials.
v Earthscape: Comprehensive aggregation of resources in the earth and environmental sciences
v NYCdata from Baruch (free) New ejournals
v JSTOR Health and General Sciences :: title list
American Chemical Society Legacy Archives: content is blended into American Chemical Society
v Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
v Select new solo ejournals :: find via Serials Solutions

o Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services
o Journal of Gerontological Nursing
o Journal of Travel Research
o Journal of Culinary Science

Upgrades to existing databases
v Gale Virtual Reference expanded with many new and updated titles
v MathSciNet now links out to full-text finder
v Expansion of many Wilson databases to full text
v New interface for Lexis-Nexis Questions?
Contact Prof. Monica Berger at

Out to Eat

When: Wednesday, March 19 at 3:30 p.m.
Where: Janet Lefler Dining Room, N215
Refreshments will be served.

You are invited!
“Out to Eat:
The Emergence and Evolution of the Restaurant in Nineteenth-Century New York City”

Dr. Cindy Lobel will speak about the early 19th century growth of NYC into a metropolis and the related emergence and growth of restaurants. As the restaurant sector grew, restaurants became much more than places to eat. They were important locales of social and cultural interaction, of conspicuous consumption and class identity, as well as places of employment and a ladder of economic mobility for their proprietors.
Dr. Lobel is an Assistant Professor of History at Lehman College. She holds a B.A. from Tufts University and a Ph.D. from the CUNY Graduate Center, having also taught at Barnard, Columbia, Connecticut College, Baruch, and Hunter.
Sponsored by the City Tech Hospitality and Library Departments.