Honors Scholars Program Graduate School Fair Zoom Links

The following is a list of graduate schools that will host their own Zoom info session on December 3rd, 2020 from 4PM-5PM. Feel free to attend one of the listed graduate school’s info session to learn more about their school and programs. If a Zoom link does not work, please try to join via the Meeting ID in Zoom. There is also a downloadable version of this flyer.

FYI, the library has a guide to help you research graduate schools.
Graduate School NameProgram(s)Zoom Link
Baruch College Marxe School of Public and International AffairsMPA, Executive MPA, Master of International Affairs and Masters of Higher Ed Administrationhttps://baruch.zoom.us/j/81364233590?p- wd=NisvdkRVWVBGN2VNUlUyOG1Ed0dMQT09 (Meeting ID: 813 6423 3590 Passcode: Marxe)
Binghamton University, SUNYComputer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, and morehttps://binghamton.zoom.us/j/98583381604 (Meeting ID: 985 8338 1604)
Brooklyn College, CUNYAccounting, Adolescence Science Education, Science and Environmental Education, and morehttps://brooklyncollege.zoom.us/ j/92299673470?pwd=SllDVFd4VlA2TnN- 4RDV3VVJ3b2lldz09
(Meeting ID: 922 9967 3470 Passcode: 447058)
The City College of New York (CCNY), CUNYSustainability in the Urban Environmenthttps://ccny.zoom.us/j/96401749171 (Meeting ID: 964 0174 9171)
CCNY, CUNYBranding and Integrated Communications (BIC)https://ccny.zoom.us/j/93585511102
CCNY Spitzer School of Architecture, CUNYMaster of Architecture, Master of Landscape
Architecture and Master of Urban Planning (Urban Design)
Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism at CUNY https://rb.gy/gzgzf1
(Meeting ID: 978 8472 3290 Passcode: CUNY)
The Graduate Center, CUNY30 Ph.D. programs and 15 master’s programshttps://gc-cuny.zoom.us/j/92716784809?p- wd=bSt1cFllYWhTZHdDYmVMdUthL1BRQT09 (Meeting ID: 927 1678 4809 Passcode: 404895)
City University of Graduate StudiesArchitecture, Business, Communication, Education, Humanities, and morehttps://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIrcOurr- zgoG9TXjkEX7WJAw-_MkfBBnlo0
CUNY Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJItcemurzM- jHd0g5KZL   c-jMe655WVUobI
CUNY School of Labor and Urban StudiesMA in Labor Studies, MA in Urban Studies, Advanced Certificates in Community Leadership, and morehttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/83366553553?p- wd=QTBtckpnem5zWDQxRVZLbWhVVUJVQT09 (Meeting ID: 833 6655 3553 Passcode: 752832)
CUNY School of Professional StudiesPsychology, Data Science, Business Management and Leadership, and morehttps://cunysps.zoom.us/j/95347391124 (Webinar ID: 953 4739 1124)
Hunter College School of Education, CUNYTeacher Education, Counseling and Applied Behavior Analysishttps://zoom.us/j/91486909940
(Meeting ID: 914 8690 9940)
John Jay College, CUNYCriminal Justice, Forensic Psychology, MPA, Security, Emergency Management, and morehttps://jjay-cuny.zoom.us/j/82897607677?p- wd=eXZYMnYvdnlnNTR6elZuUjNiRmxNdz09 (Meeting ID: 828 9760 7677 Passcode: John Jay)
Lehman College, CUNYComputer Science, Geographic Information Systems, Mathematics Instruction, and morehttps://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ- 0tc-irpzwoH9CFmThvZFYk_8BXNRRVAO1x
Marist CollegeMBA, MS in Information Systems, and morehttps://marist-edu.zoom.us/meeting/register/ tZAkdu-orTwpEtEgcJyfbLBnZNzSRFcyPAUY
New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT)All STEM Graduate Programshttps://zoom.us/j/98586107922?pwd=UU1vdnh1UW9vc0dES3hkWDlZRnNrUT09
(Meeting ID: 985 8610 7922 Passcode: NJIT2021)
New York Institute of Technology (NYIT)Communication Arts, Digital Art & Design, UX/UI Design and Development, and morehttps://nyit.zoom.us/j/99887492547
(Meeting ID: 998 8749 2547 Passcode: 718198)
New York University (NYU)Programs in Educational Communications and Technology at NYU Steinhardthttps://rb.gy/cnc61q
NYU Game CenterMFA in Game Designhttps://nyu.zoom.us/j/94034751778
St. John’s UniversityMasters of Science in Integrated Advertising Communicationshttps://zoom.us/j/9039706542?pwd=YmNrM1cw- ck5wZzExd0dkUjNLL2VaQT09
(Passcode: Stjohns)
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences UniversityMedical Informaticshttps://zoom.us/j/190342293?pwd=YjJZYitxdTUx-

(Meeting ID: 190 342 293 Passcode: 863454)
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences UniversityMidwifery (School of Health Professions)https://zoom.us/j/94807895191?pwd=cG-

(Meeting ID: 948 0789 5191 Passcode: 765160)
SUNY Downstate Health Sciences UniversityPhysical Therapyhttps://zoom.us/j/93332620805?pwd=SmpqTl-

(Meeting ID: 933 3262 0805 Passcode: 352992)
SUNY New PaltzAll Programshttps://zoom.us/j/91949787500?pwd=RlQ4UE-

(Meeting ID: 919 4978 7500 Passcode: SUNYNP)