Faculty Workshop: Learn to Blog and Use Twitter

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Blogs continue to change how scholarly ideas are expressed and exchanged. Workshop participants will learn how to set up and maintain a blog using WordPress, how to use the Twitter microblogging service, and how to find scholarly information in the “blogosphere.”
This workshop will be held on Tuesday, April 20, 1-2pm in Rm A540 (Atrium). RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748.


Faculty Workshop: Using PubMed to Find Biomedical Information

All faculty are invited to join us for a library workshop:
Using PubMed to Find Biomedical Information
Examine the content available in PubMed (e.g., how it differs from MEDLINE), and learn how to build a search using keywords, MeSH terms, and other PubMed search tools and link to full-text articles.
Wednesday, April 14, 1-2pm
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members. All workshops are held in our electronic classroom (Rm A540) on the 5th Fl. of the City Tech Library, Atrium Bldg. RSVP is strongly suggested to Prof. Maura Smale, msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 718-260-5748.


HOW TO STUDY IN A GROUP – A Workshop from the College Learning Centers

Learn How to Study Collaboratively with Fellow Students

For MAT 1475, 1575 & 1675 Registered Students Only

The College Learning Centers are sponsoring workshops designed to instruct students in how to study in groups. Learn how under the supervision of an experienced facilitator.  Choose one of two sessions.

April 21 (Wednesday)    10:00 am – 11:00 am
April 29 (Thursday)   3:00 pm  –  4:00 pm
Each session is limited to 30 students.

Registration in the Tech Learning Center (V-217) is necessary.

Free MATH REVIEW WORKSHOP at the College Learning Centers

*MAT 1275: College Algebra and Trigonometry

April 12 – May 15

Registration (limited to 15 students per workshop) from now until April 9.

Choose from one of these sections:
Monday                   3:00 – 4:30 pm

Tuesday                  10:00 – 11:30 am
; 2:00 – 3:30 pm
Wednesday            3:00 – 4:30 pm

Thursday                10:00 – 11:30 am; 2:00 – 3:30 pm

For more information (and a list of topics covered) stop by the Atrium Learning Center, AG-18 or call: 718/260-5679

Registration (in person) in the Atrium Learning Center (AG-18) with the receptionist
*You must be registered in a MAT 1275 class to participate

Faculty Workshop: Getting the Most from LexisNexis

Faculty, come to a workshop and learn strategies for searching the LexisNexis database more effectively for articles from news sources from around the world.
DATE: Wednesday, March 24th
TIME: 1-2pm
LOCATION: Rm A441, Library (4th Floor, Atrium Building)
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members. RSVP is strongly suggested to Prof. Maura Smale, msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 718-260-5748.


This Week: Web 2.0 Happy Hour for Faculty

Is there a place for Wikipedia in the classroom? What’s on Wikipedia, and how did it get there? The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues and discuss this popular online encyclopedia. Joining us for this panel discussion is David Goodman, Vice President, Wikimedia NYC and retired Princeton librarian.
DATE: Tuesday, March 16, 5:30-7pm
LOCATION: Faculty Lounge, A632
RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748.


Keeping Up with Research Using RSS and Alerts

Faculty, come to a library workshop this week to learn about RSS (Really Simple Syndication). We’ll discuss setting up RSS feeds and alerts in your favorite databases to keep track of the latest scholarship from news sources, journals, and blogs.
DATE: Wednesday, March 10th
TIME: 1-2pm
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members. All workshops are held in our electronic classroom (Rm A540) on the 5th Fl. of the City Tech Library, Atrium Bldg (unless otherwise noted). RSVP is strongly suggested to Prof. Maura Smale, msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 718-260-5748.

RSS workshop

ILLiad workshop for faculty this Thursday

ILLiad is the library’s new Interlibrary Loan system for faculty to request books not available here or in another CUNY library and journal articles not available from our subscription databases.
Workshop attendees will learn how to set up ILLiad accounts, how to place requests for articles & books, how to request articles directly from library databases, and how to retrieve requested items that are delivered electronically.
The workshop will take place on Thursday, March 4 from 4-5 p.m. in the library’s electronic classroom, A540. RSVPs are encouraged to Maura Smale at x5748.

Faculty Workshop: Preventing Plagiarism

Facilitated by the Ursula C. Schwerin Library and Writing Across the Curriculum
In this cut-and-paste world where words and images are so accessible, often students do not fully understand the implications of plagiarism. In this workshop, we’ll discuss academic honesty and strategies for helping our students avoid plagiarism in their work. Topics covered will include how assignment design can discourage plagiarism, how to teach students to correctly use citation and paraphrasing, and how to respond when plagiarism is discovered.
Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty members.
DATE: Wednesday, March 3, 2010
–rescheduled from the earlier snow-canceled date!
VENUE: Namm 227, Faculty Commons
TIME: 1.00 p.m.- 2.00 p.m.
Lunch will be served
RSVP is encouraged to facultycommons@citytech.cuny.edu.

Facom_Library-Preventing Plagiarism-WAC-03_3_10

Faculty Workshop: Using RefWorks for Citation Management

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to attend a workshop on using RefWorks for citation management. With RefWorks it’s easy to import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles. In this workshop we’ll cover the basics of using RefWorks from both on- and off-campus.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, February 24, 1-2pm in the library classroom, A540. RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748. For more information, visit the Faculty Workshops page on our website.
