Listen to NPR’s archive through the Gale Literature Resource Center

Logo of National Public Radio, showing the letters n, p, r

Image: National Public Radio logo, ™/®National Public Radio, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that, in addition to thousands of full-text literary sources and associated reference material, Gale Literature Resource Center provides access to an audio archive from NPR. Head over to to begin exploring; if you’re off campus, you’ll be asked to first use your CUNY login before accessing the database.

Search the main search box for “national public radio” to start browsing:

Or, head to the advanced search page and search “national public radio” in the Publisher field:

Your results can be filtered by topic, or you’ll have an opportunity to search within these results:

Or, use the following links to arrive straight at the recording archive of a few notable NPR shows; these links will also require that you sign in with your CUNY login if you’re off campus:

All Things Considered, 1999 to the present 

Talk of the Nation, 1996 – 2013 

Fresh Air, 2009 to the present 

Weekend Edition on Saturday and Sunday (2000 to the present) 

Happy listening!

Image of a Letron radio, Multi Band BE-8
Image: Radio, Stefan Kühn, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Borrow Current Magazines from the City Tech Library

Did you know that City Tech library subscribes to current magazines? These are available for use during library open hours; read more on the library website about how to access these at our Periodicals Desk.

What’s available for you to read? 

Anyone with a City Tech ID can access these magazines, but they’ll be most relevant to students in law & paralegal studies, dental hygiene & restorative dentistry, and vision care technology. We currently subscribe to:

  • Journal of Dental Technology
  • Journal of Periodontology
  • Clinical Advances in Periodontics
  • 20/20
  • Eyecare Business
  • Facts & Findings: the official publication of the National Association of Legal Assistants
  • National Paralegal Reporter

Do you have questions about finding current magazines to read? Ask a librarian!

Celebrate Banned Books Week: Let Freedom Read (October 1-7, 2023)

Every year, the American Libraries Association celebrates Banned Books Week to promote reading and intellectual freedom. This year’s theme is “Let Freedom Read.”

Banned Books Week brings together librarians, booksellers, publishers, journalists, teachers, and readers of all types in shared support of the freedom to publish, read, and express ideas, even those some consider taboo.

By focusing on efforts across the country to restrict access to books, Banned Books Week draws national attention to the harms of censorship. The books featured during Banned Books Week have all been targeted for removal in libraries and schools.

In our current climate of political polarization, librarians are facing an unprecedented number of attempts to ban books. ALA’s Office for Intellectual Freedom documented 1,269 demands to censor library books and resources in 2022, the highest number of attempted book bans since ALA began compiling data about censorship in libraries more than 20 years ago.  Of the record 2,571 unique titles targeted for censorship, most were by or about LGBTQ+ persons and Black, Indigenous, and people of color.

Most Challenged Books of 2022

Celebrate Banned Books Week with the City Tech Library. Exercise your reading rights and check out a banned book! We have many “banned books” in our collection, and a librarian can help you find one.

The City Tech Library has a new strategic plan!

I’m happy to announce that after a year-plus of research, discussion, interviewing, surveying, data analysis, writing, and editing, the City Tech Library has produced its 2023-2026 Strategic Plan. The plan helps us make decisions, set priorities, and ensure that the library is growing in alignment with the College’s own Strategic Plan and the CUNY Strategic Roadmap.

Many thanks to the Strategic Plan Working Group: Prof. Nanette Johnson, Prof. Kel Karpinski, Prof. Junior Tidal, Library Admin Specialist Suraya Choudhury. Special thanks to data analyst Andrea Espinoza Melillo!

Feedback or suggestions? Please comment below, or email us with a comment.

Anne Leonard, Interim Chief Librarian & Library Department Chair

Students: access free tutoring through

City Tech students have free access to tutoring through!

How does it work? can be accessed from any internet-ready device 24/7. Students can have access to a tutor when and where they need one. Students receive 3 hours of tutoring each semester and have get more upon request.

To get started: Create a free account by logging into Blackboard, Moving to Organizations at the right side of the screen, click on Here if you need tutoring, and finally move to the left side of the screen to find and click on it

  • Accounting
  • Architectural technology
  • Business and technology of fashion
  • Chemical technology
  • Civil engineering technology
  • Construction management technology
  • Computer science
  • Dental hygiene
  • Dental laboratory technology
  • Electrical engineering technology
  • Electromechanical engineering technology
  • Industrial design technology
  • Marketing, management, and sales
  • Nursing
  • Ophthalmic dispensing
  • Paralegal studies
  • Radiological technology

What’s New in the Library Fall 2023

Welcome to a new semester! And welcome to everyone new to City Tech; we are so excited to see so many new faces on campus. 

Need a book, a quiet place to study or work on a project, or research help? The library is open and all of our in person services are up and running.

Come visit us on the 4th floor of the Library building Mondays-Thursdays from 9am-8pm, Fridays from 9am-7pm, and Saturdays from 10am-5pm.

Learning or teaching online? We’ve still got you covered.

Get virtual help 24X7

Off campus or up late working on a project and need help? Just Ask us! 

You can chat with CUNY Librarians on weekdays and librarians from other institutions on evenings and weekends. 

Access Library Resources from Off-Campus

Use CUNY login credentials to access library databases, research articles, movies, and ebooks from off campus. 

Use these same credentials to login to “My Library Account” on the library website. If your preferred name isn’t associated with your library account, you can change that! 


This semester we are open most Saturdays (with the exception of a few holidays closings) , with a librarian available to help you at the Reference Desk. Come see us at the Reference Desk for help with your assignments.

New E-resources 

The library is thrilled to now provide access to Fashion and Race, a database that provides access to an incredible collection of resources curated by Kimberly M. Jenkins, an expert in the fashion world who is known for her diversity and equity work. Access the database onsite or offsite at You’ll be prompted to set up your own login the first time you sign in, and then you can use that any time you return to the database.

Don’t forget to use your City Tech email to sign up for (or renew) your free access to the New York Times and Wall Street Journal. Access expires after a period of time for both students and faculty, but you can always renew it by heading back to the links shared here for free access to the CUNY community.

Course Reserves

You can place textbooks and required readings for your courses in the Library’s Reserve Collection for your students to use in the library.

Please place your requests as soon as possible as we purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. Request materials to be placed on reserve using this form

Questions?  Email us:

Longer Book Loans and More Renewals!

As of January 31st, 2023, students can now borrow books from any CUNY library for 8 weeks plus 4 renewals (of 8 weeks each). 

All books can be returned in the library or dropped in the Library Book Drop Box located inside 300 Jay Street entrance past the turnstiles on the left side.  

Need Something We Don’t Have? 

Interlibrary Loan has expanded its services! Faculty, staff, and now students can request books not available at CUNY through ILL—this includes textbooks. We also fill article and individual book chapter requests and deliver them electronically. ILL is great for scholarly research and course assignments. 

Your Interlibrary Loan account now uses your CUNY login, so you have one less password to remember! Questions? Email us:

Workshops and Events

The Library offers workshops for faculty, students, and other members of the City Tech community. Our workshops cover a wide range of topics, including basic research skills, finding articles in databases, using other libraries, open access journals, and evaluating websites.

To arrange for a faculty workshop, please contact:
Professor Nandi Prince

Workshops are open to all City Tech faculty and staff! For a list of current offerings, and to RSVP, please check here.

Library Instruction Offerings 

Are you assigning papers or projects that require library research? You can request a library instruction session for your in-person or online synchronous class. 

Are you teaching asynchronously or want your students to learn research skills at their own pace? Share the library’s tutorials and research guides with your students. The library is automatically embedded in Blackboard courses and you can add library widgets to your OpenLab site. 

Contact your library subject specialist to find out more about subject-specific resources and support for your asynchronous class.

For general questions about library instruction, contact Prof. Rachel Jones, library instruction coordinator.

Open Educational Resources

Identify open and free resources to support teaching, browse your colleagues’ contributions, and much more via the OER at City Tech site

Follow our blog for New & Noteworthy OER available in your discipline.

Questions about assigning OER and other zero-cost resources, creating, and sharing your OER with a wider audience? Contact Cailean Cooney at You can also request a tailored workshop by filling out this form.

Laptop Loans 

In coordination and with support from the ASAP program, the library is offering a limited number of PC laptops for 7 day loan to all City Tech students. Visit the Multimedia Resource Center on the 4th floor to check one out. 

Media Browsing 

The Multimedia Resource Center has a terrific collection of VHS cassettes, DVDs, Blu-Rays, and vinyl records. We also have Blu-ray players available to borrow! Visit the MRC in the library.

Support for Scholarly Publishing 

The library can support your research and scholarship–we regularly offer a publishing workshop series. This semester, learn how to leverage your literature review to identify journals and publishers, how CUNY’s institutional repository, Academic Works … works and how it benefits you as an author, how to use Zotero, a free citation management tool that has many cool features, and lastly, how to set up your Google Scholar profile which not only provides you with citation data about your publications but also helps funders and others easily find your scholarship. 

In addition to our Scholarly Publishing Clinic, a monthly office hour for virtual consultations on the first Tuesday of the month at 3 PM, consultations are available on demand. Contact Monica Berger at Learn more about how the library supports scholarly publishing.

Lastly, your library faculty colleagues are busy publishing as well. Read more on our blog about our recent publications and other work.

Library’s 2023-2026 Strategic Plan 

Staff and faculty in the library recently completed the 2023-26 strategic plan. The plan helps us make decisions and set priorities about library resources and services to serve the college community. If you completed a survey, participated in a focus group, or provided input or feedback in any way, many thanks! Thanks also to the dedicated library strategic planning working group and data specialists.

Don’t Be a Stranger

Have questions about library resources and services but not sure how to reach us? Want to make sure you get the latest updates about changing policies, new resources, and digital tools available through the library? 

Subscribe to the Library Buzz blog to get the latest in your inbox or follow us on Twitter and Instagram @citytechlibrary

Database highlight: LACLI

LACLI provides access to free online resources for Latin American, Caribbean, Latinx, and Iberian studies. This project emerged during the COVID-19 pandemic as an international collaborative effort aimed at sharing digital resource collections across borders, and it is being maintained by collaboration among librarians from the US, Mexico, Brazil, and the UK. It includes a mix of free digital resources in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.

Interested in getting started? Find LACLI on the City Tech Library Database list, or head straight to

Begin your research with the search box on the website’s homepage, or browse the list from the “Library” menu. Some of our favorite resources on LACLI include 68 voces, a series of animated films based on indigenous Mexican stories, and the Alfredo Bouret collection at RMIT University, highlighting the work of fashion illustrator Alfredo Bouret.

The Green Team presents “Making Responsible and Sustainable Food Choices”

Join City Tech’s Green Team for their first event of the 2023-2024 school year!
An Interdisciplinary Panel Discussion on Community Supported Agriculture:
“Making Responsible and Sustainable Food Choices”
When: Wednesday, September 13th, 3-4pm
Where: City Tech Academic Building, A517

Beginning in May of 2023, the Green Team – Dr. Amanda Almond, Associate Professor of Psychology; Robert Walljasper, Associate Professor of Hospitality Management and Dr. Sean MacDonald, Professor of Economics – has brought to City Tech responsibly and sustainably sourced food from local farms in the Catskills and Hudson Valley for our community to purchase via CSA 607. During the first talk of the speaker series “Farms, Food Chains and Community Supported Agriculture”, hear each of their disciplinary perspectives on why shifting what and how you eat can have large impacts on your community, climate, and the industries of health, business, and hospitality.

The “Farms, Food Chains and Community Supported Agriculture” speaker series will be held Wednesdays, 3-4pm:
October 11th – Speaker from the Catskills Agrarian Alliance
November 8th – Speaker from the New Roots Institute
November 15th – End of year re-cap with CSA607 & the Green Team