Today: Open Access Publishing for Faculty


It’s Open Access Week, so join faculty from the library and across the college to discuss the reality and potential of Open Access Publishing, as it ties into the economics of and access to scholarship, and offers opportunities for peer-reviewed publication.
Publication Opportunities: What’s New with Open Access
A Discussion with and for City Tech Faculty

Date: Tuesday, October 20
Time: 3:30-5:00pm
Venue: Faculty Lounge A632
Coffee & Cookies will be served.

Save the Date: Open Access Publishing


Join faculty from the library and across the college to discuss the reality and potential of Open Access Publishing, as it ties into the economics of and access to scholarship, and offers opportunities for peer-reviewed publication.

Publication Opportunities: What’s New with Open Access
A Discussion with and for City Tech Faculty

Date: Tuesday, October 20
Time: 3:30-5:00pm
Venue: Faculty Lounge A632

RSVP is encouraged to Prof. Maura Smale, or 718-260-5748.

Coffee & Cookies will be served.

Working People and the Crisis

Film Screening and Discussion
Working People and the Crisis: From Argentina to the Bronx
Tuesday, October 6, 2009 2:30pm
Library Screening room (RSVP required)
Watch “The Take,” a film on unemployed workers in Argentina who have been taking over bandoned factories and running them democratically. Could this happen in the Untied States?
Discuss with Mike Filippou, a union activist and a worker at Stella D’ Oro’s bakery in the Bronx. Stella D’ Oro workers recently went o strike for 11 months, won, but now have to fight against Stella D’ Oro management’s decision to close the factory and reopen it with non-union labor in another part of the country.
Seating is limited, so please RSVP. For more information and to RSVP contact Prof. Panayotakis at
Here is a trailer for “The Take”.


The Multimedia Resource Center will host a screening of Maquiladoras this afternoon. In celebration of the formation of the Working Women Association, the Ursula C. Schwerin library is having a free screening of
Maquilapolis. This film features Carmen Durán and Lourdes Luján as
they document their lives working in the factories of Tijuana, Mexico.
The Working Women Association was founded in the late 1800s  by Susan B.
Anthony in New York City.  Advocating for worker’s rights  and higher wages, the association layed the foundation for equality in the workplace.
Here’s a trailer for the flim

The screening starts at 12:45 today in the Multimedia Resource Center. The screening room is located in the library (4th floor of the Atrium) in room 431. For more information, contact Prof. Junior Tidal at or x5481.
maquilapolis copy

Faculty Workshop: Web 2.0 Happy Hour

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, invites all faculty to:
Web 2.0 Happy Hour
Tuesday, May 5
Faculty Lounge A632 (Atrium Bldg)
Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues, and learn about online technologies for teaching and scholarship:
Twitter: a microblogging service for conversation and announcements
Delicious: a website for organizing and sharing your bookmarks
Google Docs: a service for creating and sharing documents, spreadsheets and presentations
RSS Feeds: receive journal publication alerts and read blogs and news websites
RSVP to Maura Smale at or 718-260-5748.

Lincoln Now and Down the Ages

lincoln2Thursday, March 19, 2009, 2:15-3:45 p.m. in the A632 faculty & staff lounge.
City Tech faculty are invited to a conversation about Lincoln and his legacy.  Following short presentations, we will enjoy Q & A, coffee and collegiality.  If you plan to attend, please e-mail Prof. Darrow Wood, by Tuesday, March 17.
Abraham Lincoln has been sanctified, demonized, lionized and caricatured by generations of Americans.  Prof. Keith Muchowski, Library, will speak on “Lincoln Down the Ages.”
Barack Obama has framed his presidency against the legacy of Abraham Lincoln.  Prof. Matt Gold, English, will speak along with computer audio-visuals, on “Obama’s Lincoln and Lincoln’s Obama.”

Inauguration Events at City Tech

The Atrium Amphitheater will be set up for viewing the inauguration of President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden starting at 11:30 Tuesday. Time missed should be arranged in advance with supervisors. All are welcome! The amphitheater is located on the ground floor of the Atrium building.obamaflyer
The library will also be streaming converage of the inauguration in the Multimedia Resource Center, A431.

Student Workshops @ the Library

City Tech students: come to the library and learn research strategies to help you complete your college assignments better and faster!
Good Googling: How to Evaluate Websites
November 19, 5-5:45pm
Research without Tears
November 20, 1-1:45pm
Finding Newspaper and Magazine Articles in LexisNexis
December 3, 5-5:45pm
Finding Journal and Magazine Articles in EBSCO
December 4, 1-1:45pm
Workshops are open to all City Tech students, and are held in the library classroom (Rm A540, enter Atrium 4th fl).
For more information, contact Prof. Maura Smale, or 718-260-5748, or visit:

Shelly Silver's in complete world

In case you missed Shelly Silver’s screening of in complete world, the independent artist and filmmaker has graciously donated a copy of the film to the City Tech library’s multimedia collection. The film is a provocative series of vignettes, shot on the streets of New York, asking New Yorkers about the state of their lives, their society, and their government. The film should be available for viewings within the next few weeks. For more information about the film and Shelly Silver, please visit her website here.

Using RefWorks to Manage References – A Workshop for Faculty

All City Tech faculty are invited to attend a library workshop on RefWorks, a bibliographic citation management tool available to all City Tech faculty. With RefWorks it’s easy to import references from online databases, organize your references into folders by topic or project, insert references into your documents, and generate a bibliography formatted in a variety of citation styles, including MLA, APA, and Chicago.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, November 12, from 10-10:45am in the library classroom, A540. Please RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale[at]
The complete schedule of faculty workshops for the Fall 2008 semester can be found here.