Faculty Workshop: Getting Started with Instructional Web Design

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Learn to design web pages for instructional use, including layout and navigation, color and graphics, and developing effective content. We will look at beginner HTML and other online alternatives.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 20, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 (small library classroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748.

Faculty Workshop: Research Beyond the City Tech Library

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. You may already be familiar with interlibrary loan to get articles and books not available here at City Tech. Did you know that we participate in library consortia that permit access to research libraries around New York City? Learn about the many options for accessing research resources beyond the City Tech Library. Attendees will also learn how to make the most of browser add-ons and other online tools to help identify, locate, and connect with resources from other libraries.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, March 6, 1-2pm in Rm. A441 (small library classroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748.

Workshop Materials: Understanding Your Rights as an Author

If you couldn’t make it to our faculty workshop on Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author during Open Access Week, never fear! Here’s a copy of our handout and presentation for you to share, use, and remix as you’d like.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask a librarian! We’re happy to help with any and all questions about open access publishing and strategies for keeping your rights as an author.

Faculty Workshop: Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author

Happy Open Access Week! In celebration of this annual, international event, The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, is pleased to invite all faculty and staff to a program:
You Know What You Write, But Do You Know Your Rights?
Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author

When you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it? How can you find out a journal’s policy? How can you negotiate your contract to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, and author?
Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues at our Open Access Happy Hour and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, from 5:30-7pm
WHERE: Rm A632, Faculty Lounge, City Tech
Space is limited! RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu.

You Know What You Write, But Do You Know Your Rights?

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons for Teaching, Learning, and Scholarship, is pleased to announce a workshop in celebration of Open Access Week!
You Know What You Write, But Do You Know Your Rights?
Understanding and Protecting Your Rights as an Author

When you publish a journal article, you sign a copyright agreement. Do you know what you’re agreeing to when you sign it? How can you find out a journal’s policy? How can you negotiate your contract to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, and author? Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues at our Open Access Happy Hour and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.
WHEN: Tuesday, October 23, from 5:30-7pm
WHERE: Rm A632, Faculty Lounge, City Tech
Space is limited! RSVP to Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu.

Are Scholarly Journal Prices Too Scary?

What’s so spooky about today’s scholarly journal prices?
Take our open access quiz to find out what is scaring librarians and might scare you too!
In support of Open Access Week (October 24-30), our colleagues at the Brooklyn College Library created a Halloween-themed quiz about journal pricing.
The Open Access “Pretty Scary” Quiz is ready, don’t be scared to take it, or share it!

Faculty Workshop: Copyright and Fair Use in the Digital Teaching Environment

The City Tech Library, in partnership with the Faculty Commons, is pleased to invite all faculty to a library workshop. Do you know how copyright and fair use applies to online courses, class blogs and other web-based teaching tools? Are you interested in making material available to students online, but aren’t sure how to do so legally? Do you have questions about intellectual property and the responsibilities and rights that you and your students have when posting class work online? In this workshop we’ll discuss these issues and look at some of the tools and guidelines available for your use.
This workshop will be held on Wednesday, October 12, 1-2pm in Rm. A540 (library classroom). RSVP to Prof. Maura Smale at msmale@citytech.cuny.edu or 260-5748.

Mark Your Calendars for Open Access Week

It’s still a few weeks away, but the City Tech Library is already getting ready for International Open Access Week. Please save the date for two great faculty workshops we have planned:
Using Open Educational Materials in Your Courses
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Rm A543, City Tech Library (Atrium Building)
High-quality open access curricular materials are increasingly available online, and can provide an alternative to traditionally-published, high-priced textbooks. In this workshop we’ll discuss strategies for incorporating freely-available open access and public domain resources into your courses. Bring your syllabus or assignment and we will work together to add resources to your course website on Blackboard, the City Tech OpenLab, or other online platforms.
Coffee & cookies will be served.
Open Access Happy Hour: Your Rights as an Author
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Rm A632, Faculty Lounge (Atrium Building)
You know what you write, but do you know your rights? Copyright is a bundle of rights that apply to work you produce in any medium. How can you choose a publisher and negotiate your contracts to make the most of your rights as a scholar, researcher, author, and creator? Come enjoy wine & cheese with your colleagues and learn how to preserve your rights to reproduce, distribute, and display the work you create.

Welcome to Location Nation

Where are you right now? Who knows it? If you’re like most people, chances are you occasionally broadcast your current geographic location using social media and the internet. But you may also be interested to learn that many companies have access to your location because of the devices you carry and technologies you use.

Let’s start with the easy stuff. Which of these technologies have you used to let people know where you are?
– Facebook
– Twitter
– Google
– FourSquare
– Gowalla
– Another service
Some of these services give you the opportunity to identify your location as one of several features, like Facebook or Twitter. Others are essentially location games, like FourSquare and Gowalla: you sign up for the service and “check-in” to various locations as you move through your daily routine. There’s an element of competition, too, because you earn badges (and somewhat silly titles like Mayor of your local coffee shop!) and can rack up points to knock other people off the top spot.
Sounds harmless, right?
A group of Dutch software engineers didn’t think so. Last year they created a website to pull together all of the locational messages from Twitter and Foursquare. They called it Please Rob Me, and for the few weeks the site was live it displayed a running list of updates from people who used those services to highlight the dangers of constantly broadcasting your location.
The site’s creators pulled the plug after a short while, once they’d raised awareness on this important privacy issue. For more information, take a look at their article on Oversharing and Location Awareness on the Center for Democracy and Technology website.
And what about your devices?
You may have seen an article in the New York Times last month about the locational data that our cellphones collect. A German politician petitioned his cellphone service provider to get his own data, and resulting information is surprisingly detailed. All cellphone companies do this to accurately bill us for the services we use, but what about other ways of using this information, like marketing and advertising? When is the privacy line crossed?
For more information about locational privacy, read this excellent whitepaper on the issues by the Electronic Frontier Foundation.
Photo credit: Calsidyrose

Choose Privacy Week begins today!

This week is Choose Privacy Week, an event sponsored by the American Library Association’s Office for Intellectual Freedom and designed to raise awareness about privacy and our freedom to read, search, and learn.
Here at the City Tech Library we’ll be blogging all week about all kinds of privacy-related topics: how to protect our privacy, strategies for making sure we only reveal the information we want to reveal, and lots of other privacy issues we face today.
To kick things off, here’s a list of organizations and people who are participating in the conversation around privacy, as well as videos of folks like authors Cory Doctorow and Clay Shirky and organizations like Google and the ALA discussing various privacy concerns.
Feel free to add your favorite privacy-related links in our comments, below.