Faculty panel on Open Educational Resources

Mon. October 17th
5:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Namm 227 (Faculty Commons)
Join a City Tech faculty panel discussion about integrating open educational resources (OER) into the classroom.
RSVP to: ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu
Featured panelists:
Prof. Susan Brandt – Entertainment Technology
Health and Safety in Production (ENT 1102)
Prof. Heejun “Ellen” Kim – Hospitality Management
Hospitality Services Marketing and Management (HMGT 4702)
Prof. David Lee – Humanities
Business and Professional Communication (COM 3401)
Prof. Ari Maller – Physics
General Physics I: Introduction to Mechanics (PHYS 1441)
Prof. Debbie Priftakis – Biological Sciences
Human Anatomy and Physiology I (Lecture) (BIO 2311)
Prof. Anne Marie Sowder – Construction Management and Civil Engineering
Construction Management II (CMCE 2321)
Prof. Suresh Tewani – Chemistry
General Chemistry I (Lab) (CHEM 1110)

This event is co-sponsored by City Tech Library and the Faculty Commons.
Want to learn more about OER now? Browse the Library’s OER Resource Guide!

Voter Registration on 10/13 is a go!

revised-poster-for-blogNYPIRG is here to help the City Tech community register to vote. They will have a table outside the library entrance.
They’ve just told us that they will be here on Oct. 13 from 12:00-2:30 pm.
Your vote counts! If you are not register, take advantage of this opportunity.

Voter Registration Coming to Campus! How To Vote In New York

NYPIRG will be here to help the City Tech community register to vote. They will have a table outside the library entrance on the following dates:
9/21 6-8 pm
9/26 10:30 am-1:30 pm
9/29 12-2:30 pm
10/5 10:30 am-1:30 pm
10/13 12-2:30 pm [this date is provisional: please check back closer to the date to confirm]


Library Book Sale This Wednesday, May 18th

The library is having its spring semester book sale, this Wednesday, May 18th, from 12:30pm – 2:45pm. We will have books and media items for available for purchase outside of the library on the 4th floor of the Atrium Building.

Celebrate National Library Week April 10-16

Transform your ideas about the library: celebrate National Library Week April 10-16
This week, the City Tech Library joins libraries in schools, campuses and communities nationwide in celebrating the dynamic changes that are happening in today’s libraries. April 10-16 is National Library Week, a time to highlight the changing role of libraries, librarians and library workers. Continue reading “Celebrate National Library Week April 10-16”

Open Education Week: March 7 – 11, 2016

Join us Thursday, March 10th from 12:45 – 2:15

Atrium, 1st Floor – across from the Welcome Center


OpenEdWkWhy does Open Education Matter? How do textbook costs impact you?
The Library invites the college community to celebrate this international event to spread awareness about free and open educational resources.
Knowledge sharing is a fundamental principle of education at its core and open educational resources (OERs) can be powerful tools to advance knowledge access; they are free to share, modify, and customize.  We’re excited about this chance to talk to students and the college community about such an important topic. Please stop by to share your experiences, pick up information on how to get involved, and learn about current Library and faculty open education initiatives.

Attend a Faculty panel on Open Educational Resources

Wed. October 14th, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., Namm 227 (Faculty Commons)
RSVP to: ccooney@citytech.cuny.edu
FC_library_OER_Fall2015_F_P_1Join a City Tech faculty panel discussion about integrating open educational resources (OER) into the classroom.
Featured panelists:
Prof. Amanda Almond, Psychology
Prof. Raffi Khatchadourian, Computer Systems Techonology
Prof. Jeremy Seto, Biology
Moderator: Prof. Cailean Cooney, Library
As the Fall semester progresses, the Library will offer an OER workshop, and will solicit applicants to participate in the Spring cycle of our Open Educational Resources Initiative, founded last year in response to growing concern over textbook costs, the program will fund 10 faculty to select no-cost open/alternative course materials to replace textbooks.
Want to learn more about OER now? Browse the Library’s new OER guide!

Panel co-sponsored by City Tech Library and the Faculty Commons as part of the college’s Open Access Month programming!

Library Book Sale TODAY!

The library is having its Spring Semester book sale today.
We have a collection of paperbacks, hardcover books, LPs, and DVDs available.
The sale will take place on the 4th Floor of the Atrium in front of the library at 12:30PM.

Loving Story Screening, Monday, May 5th 2:30PM in Namm 119


The library is hosting a clip screening of “The Loving Story,” facilitated by a discussion by Prof. Kevin Maillard of Syracuse University Law School in Namm 119 on Monday, May 5th at 2:30PM. Faculty and students are invited to attend.
The Loving Story:
Mildred and Richard Loving knew it was technically illegal for them to live as a married couple in Virginia because she was of African American and Native American descent and he was white. But they never expected to be woken up in their bedroom and arrested one night in 1958. The documentary brings to life the Lovings’ marriage and the legal battle that followed through little-known filmed interviews and photographs shot for Life magazine.
Biography of Prof. Maillard
Kevin Noble Maillard is Professor of Law at Syracuse University. He is the co-editor of Loving v. Virginia in a Post-Racial World (with Rose Villazor, Cambridge 2012).
Continue reading “Loving Story Screening, Monday, May 5th 2:30PM in Namm 119”

Let’s Talk About It: Muslim Journeys

You are invited to participate in City Tech Library’s upcoming “Let’s Talk About It: Muslim Journeys” discussions, and receive four free books.
 Discussions are open to all students, faculty and staff, and the general public.
 Our discussion of Eboo Patel’s Acts of Faith will take place on Tuesday, April 8, 3:00-4:30 in A432 in the library with Professor Jaskiran Mathur of St. Francis College.
Leila Ahmed, A Quiet Revolution, with Prof. Jaskiran Mathur –Wednesday, April 30, 3:00-4:30 in Namm 119
G. Willow Wilson, The Butterfly Mosque with Prof. Ghazala Afzal Tuesday, May 13, 3:00-4:30 in Namm 119
To sign up, please send your name to Prof. Ian Beilin at ibeilin@citytech.cuny.edu or to Prof. Tess Tobin at TTobin@citytech.cuny.edu
These events are part of City Tech Library’s ongoing series of screenings, lectures and discussions devoted to the diverse histories and experiences of the population of the United States.