Boost Your Scholarly Profile! Task 6: Catch Up and Clean Up

hiking-691739_960_720This week, take some time to catch up on all of our tasks thus far.  This is also a good time to update any other professional accounts you might have (some options are listed at the bottom of this page) double-check your privacy settings on Facebook and other social media and more.
About this series:
In partnership with the Faculty Commons and Associate Provost Brown, City Tech Library will provide a series of seven do-it-yourself, self-paced tasks for you to update, maintain or create your online scholarly presence.  By the end of the summer, your scholarship will be easier to find online and you will be on the path to stardom!
We will release a new task every week. Tasks will include how to create your Google Scholar Profile, creating your scholarly ID, using social media, and how to increase the impact of your work by adding it to CUNY Academic Works
Questions? Contact Prof. Monica Berger, Library and check this webpage throughout the summer for new posts.
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