A spring has finally arrived! by Dmitri Kalinin,
https://www.flickr.com/photos (CC BY)

Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek to improve your skills? If you do, then joins us for a workshop! These free workshops are open to City Tech students, staff and faculty. You are welcome to attend any or all workshop based on your needs during the semester. Some workshops require reservation. Consult our website at https://library.citytech.cuny.edu/about/hours/index.php, or email Nandi Prince, Assistant Professor, at nprince@citytech.cuny.edu for more information about the workshops and to reserve your seat. Suggestions are welcome!

Citation Workshops: APA and MLA

These workshops teach the importance of documenting sources when incorporating other’s research into your own. Learn the fundamentals of using the APA and the MLA styles.

Thursday, March 14, 2019, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM

Monday, March 18, 2019, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM

Room L441

Conducted by Professor Nandi Prince

RSVP: nprince@citytech.cuny.edu

Digital Privacy: A Hands-on Workshop

Learn more about privacy and take control of your digital identity! In this hands-on workshop, City Tech faculty, students, and staff will learn how to protect themselves against surveillance and unwanted data collection. Specific topics covered will include password security, social media privacy, browser settings, and alternative search engines. Bring your smart phone or tablet.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Room L540

Conducted by Professor Junior Tidal

RSVP: nprince@citytech.cuny.edu

LinkedIn Workshop: Market your Skills

Do you need help building your professional portfolio? Please join us for useful tips to make those connections. You will come away from this session learning how to develop a strong profile, highlight your talents and detail related class projects for your career field of interest.  

Thursday, May 2, 2019, 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Room L441

Conducted by Professor Nandi Prince

RSVP: nprince@citytech.cuny.edu

Multimedia Technology Workshop

Did you know you can borrow iPads and laptops from the library? How about document scanners, headphones, and phone chargers? This 45-minute workshop will highlight the different technologies we have available for loan to students, how the loan process works, what you can use this technology for, and what happens to your data after you return it.

Wednesday, March 27, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Room:  L432

Conducted by Professor Junior Tidal

RSVP: nprince@citytech.cuny.edu

Resume Writing workshops

Your first contact with a potential employer is your resume. Join us at one of these workshops to spruce up your resume and cover letter so you can make a lasting impression.

Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 11:00 PM – 12:00 PM

Thursday, May 9, 2019, 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Room: L441

Conducted by Professor Keith Muchowski

RSVP: nprince@citytech.cuny.edu

Strategies for Reading an Academic Journal Article

Help! I have to read many journal articles for my research paper. Don’t panic! Join us for a workshop to increase your effective use of resources. This workshop is meant to provide some tips when reading. The session will be informal, so feel free to come with specific questions or concerns you might have from your own research experiences. Critical to academic success is your ability to read and apply journal articles to your research papers effectively.

Dates: Thursday, March 21, 2019, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM         

Room:  L441

Conducted by Professor Nandi Prince


ZoteroBib Workshop – Find and Cite your Sources Quickly

Researching and creating a bibliography for a paper? We can help you:ZoteroBib generates citations and build a bibliography list in any of the popular styles, including APA and MLA instantly. Learn how to export your completed bibliography to your paper.

Dates: Monday, April 1, 2019, 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM         

Room: Library L441

Conducted by Professor Nandi Prince


Drop-in sessions

Are you looking for research help with that final paper or assignment of the semester? If so, come to the Ursula C. Schwerin Library on these dates for our special drop-in sessions.

Room L441. No RSVP required.

Monday, May 6, 2019, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM

Tuesday, May 7, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Wednesday, May 8, 2019, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM

Thursday, May 9, 2019, 9:30 AM – 11:30 AM

Friday, May 10, 2019, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM

Students, Learn How to Format your Reference List – Citation Workshops

City Tech library is hosting a series of workshops to help you understand how to create and organize your citations. Starting on Monday, October 15, come by the library at 2:00 P.M. for your first workshop. Here is a list of the offerings for Fall 2018:
Monday, October 15, 2018                             2:00pm – 3:00 pm
Thursday, October 18, 2018                           11:00am -12:00 pm
Friday, October 19, 2018                                10:00am – 11:00pm
Thursday, November 15, 2018                       11:00am – 12:00 pm
Do you need help with parenthetical citations or footnotes? This one-hour workshop will take you through the basics of both APA and MLA citation formats. We will cover in-text citation and Bibliography/Works Cited formats. Source management strategies will also be covered. Designed for students at any stage of research to help make those citations easy!
CityTech Library LogoAfter completing any of the workshops, you will be able to:

  • Explain what a citation is and where to use one.
  • Articulate reasons why citations are important.
  • Identify the parts of a citation.
  • Create a citation.

We welcome you! Each workshop is designed to get you lots of hands-on practice.

City Tech Library 24-hour Virtual Chat Reference – Ask A Librarian

Now that you are a few weeks into the new semester, it is time to learn about or get reacquainted with library services. The City Tech library offers a 24-hour virtual chat reference service to assist you with your research needs.  When City Tech librarians are not available, you’ll be connected with a librarian at another library. Many schools are part of this cooperative and contribute to providing this service 24 hours a day, seven days a week, to assist you with your research needs.
Our virtual reference service promotes library services to our online community and engages users remotely. To get started on Ask A Librarian, we invite you to:

  • sign onto our webpage at: https://library.citytech.cuny.edu/
  • add your email, if you desire
  • type your question in the box and connect instantly with a librarian
    ASK A Librarian Search Box
    ASK A Librarian Search Box – 24-hour Reference Chat Service

    Here is an example of some of the questions, you can ask your virtual librarian:

How do I find and download an e-book?
Please help me find articles on my topic?
How do I renew a book using my home computer?
You may ask questions anonymously and still receive a transcript of your chat session, but including your email allows a librarian to follow-up with you after the transaction. Our librarians can escort you through appropriate electronic sources to assist you with search questions and research assignments, make referrals, provide citations, directional information, library policy and much more. Your library subscribes to many subject specific databases that contain full-text articles. All of these can be done from your location.
Ask A Librarian is convenient, free and easy to use. You may ask questions anytime, anywhere and as many times as you need. Start by clicking here now. A friendly librarian is always available to help you. Contact us now!

Remembering the Great War

Panel 1 as seen after being taken out of the box upon delivery before installation.

Please drop by the Ursula C. Schwerin Library, right here on campus, to view the new exhibit of World War 1 panels on loan from the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History. There are six panels in all, chronicling the events of 1914 to 1918. The display is on view now through October 11 and all are welcome, including members of the general public. The exhibit coincides with the centennial of the Great War.
The 100th anniversary is an opportune time to tell this important story in American and World History. The panels capture the experience of the era and engage the viewer with an array of facts on one of the major wars of the twentieth century.
The panels are supplemented by resources available in the library. These items recount the story of World War 1 from many perspectives and include graphic novels, poetry, non-fiction and compelling videos available in our Multimedia room for viewing. Shelf locations for additional items may be accessed by clicking  Find Books. Please ask one of our librarians to help you or feel free to contact us for  more information online using our twenty-four hour chat service at Ask A Librarian.