
Romare Bearden | Pittsburgh Memory, 1964 | Art © Estate of Romare Bearden / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY. This work of art is protected by copyright and/or related rights and may not be reproduced in any manner, except as permitted under the ARTstor Digital Library Terms and Conditions of Use, without the prior express written authorization of VAGA, Tel.: 212-736-6666; Fax: 212-736-6767, email:
ARTstor and the Romare Bearden Foundation have collaborated to share nearly 800 images of works by American artist Romare Bearden in the Digital Library. These works represent the breadth of Bearden’s enormous output, from his early paintings executed in a range of styles to his pioneering collage work, which highlights his unique combination of painting and collage materials drawn from popular sources. Throughout, Bearden’s art displays his deep engagement with the African American community and the Civil Rights movement.
The Romare Bearden Foundation was established in 1990 as a nonprofit organization by the artist’s estate to preserve and perpetuate his legacy. The Foundation continues to honor Bearden’s artistic legacy by supporting educational programs, special projects, exhibitions, scholarships, and publications that deepen appreciation of and access to Bearden’s art and life. The Foundation also continues Bearden’s work within the artistic community by supporting the intellectual and creative development of up-and-coming African American artists and scholars.
For more detailed information about this collection, visit the Romare Bearden Foundation page.
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