Our Academic Works posting parties are a special opportunity for us to meet faculty. Yesterday, I met Claudia Hernandez from Architectural Technology. She and Ting Chin presented a paper at the national conference related to first year students in design and architecture, National Conference of the Beginning Design Student.
They wrote a wonderful paper ANALOG:DIGITAL, The Digital Spine: A 1 x 1 Strategy for Integrating Digital Tools in Foundation Design Studios. The problem is that the paper is only available as part of an entire book for sale on Lulu.com.
Not only is it hard to find their article, no one can read their work unless they buy the ebook. And their work isn’t preserved for perpetuity.
But now that their article in Academic Works, they are part of the conversation of scholarship. Other architecture and design instructors interested in pedagogy will find their work and it will rise towards the top in a Google Scholar search. We look forward to learning more about any new opportunities that arise out of Claudia and Ting sharing via Academic Works.
Remember, Academic Works helps amplify the impact of your scholarship whether it is published in a traditional journal or not. For work that isn’t easy to find or isn’t freely online, Academic Works is your best opportunity to get out there! And, as a bonus, you get monthly reports of how many times your work has been downloaded which is evidence of the impact of your work.