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Class Visit Today / Site Report 1

Thanks for your willingness to participate today and to experience Gowanus from a new perspective. As you reflect on your experience / emotions for Site Report 1, thought you might be interested in this photo that Andrea shared that was taken at the same spot where we did our movement “score” just last weekend:

Gowanus edge

For contrast, how it looked today:

Gowanus edges

Please let me know if you have questions about the research component. I’ll be on campus on Monday and can help if you need.


Student Climate Strike (Friday September 20)

Hello students!

Here’s information about how to participate in the world-wide action that is occuring on Friday. Students are walking out of classes and adults from workplaces from every corner of the globe to protest the lack of action by governments to deal with the climate crisis.

Participation in this event counts towards your grade in the course.

Maybe we’ll see you there!


Prof. Swift

Drawing Assignment for Tuesday Sept. 12

Visit a specific outdoor space and observe how the space is used by people. Where does the walking traffic flow? Are there some sections that are less used than others? Then draw an architectural plan of the area, marking it in some way to show how the space is used. Your plan should contain all permanent elements that are in the space, both built (paths, walls, streets, buildings) and natural (trees, gardens, fields, etc.). The drawing should be done in your notebook/sketchbook and dated. Above are some examples that may get help you get started.

Welcome to Learning Places

This is a special topics, interdisciplinary, place-based course. What does that mean?

This course is co-taught by faculty from the Humanities and Library Departments.

During the course of the semester, we will conduct site visits and travel off campus.

Topics for this semester are performance, environmental activism, and public space.

The assignments for this course will involve research and live performances that you will participate in, observe, document, and analyze.