Dress Rehearsal Reflection

You’ve done a full dress rehearsal on site. Now reflect on the moments that were successful and the moments that may need more work.

1. Was your performance successful in attracting interest from passersby? If not, what can you do to make your action more interesting, spectacular, or fun (remember what Prof. Shepard said — bring a positive energy to the action).

2. How was the audience/performer interaction (in whatever form)? Were you able to start conversations? Did audience members take handouts? Did audience members know how they can take action by the end of the performance?

3. Did every member feel like they had a clear role? If not, how can you include everyone fully?

4. Is the location ideal? Are you using the built and natural environment to its fullest potential? If you feel like you’re not “grounded” in a specific area or if nobody is passing by, then find a more suitable area. Think also about how you can take advantage of all the elements of the space (benches, trees, fences, signs, etc.).