Author Archives: Anesha

Urban Walking Prompt

After reading “Urban Walking isn’t just Good for the Soul” and thinking about my daily walks to the train station, I then realize I don’t even pay attention to my neighborhood anymore. I’ve walked that same route for many years to the point where it’s a norm. In the article John Elledge states “I’ve since done that route so often that I’ve grown bored with it,” which relates with exactly how I feel about my walks to and from the train station every day. I did notice they added a new traffic light to a block that never had one. The only reason why I saw was that it affects me when it comes to crossing the street, some cars still don’t realize that the traffic light is there and they were both at the crosswalk looking at each other like are you going to cross or not.


How is Change Manage, Who Manages it, and Should “The People” Have a Say?

Based on the films “My Brooklyn” and “Citizen Jane: Battle for the City” it shows that there is no stopping the change of the city, whether it’s good or bad change. There must be a change in order for a city to be progressive. There are many ways to go about making a difference to have a successful outcome, but the City of New York did these changes the wrong way. The city is only concerned about the profit they would make when drawing up plans. They only listen to what the planners have to say and how much money would they gain. It seems as the people of the city doesn’t have a say on what should change. Everything comes as a total surprise to them when they are abruptly pushed out of their neighborhood with the higher rent charges or the owners be brought out by the city. The people of the city should have a say in these changes; their opinion should matter.