Podcast Blog Assignment

After listening to “There Goes the Neighborhood: Here’s the Plan”, I realized how it was created and what type of conceptual voice the podcast took; it was set in a narrative perspective. As events seemed to occur, there was a narrator describing his opinions or his overall thought process behind the topic of rezoning in Brooklyn being tied to gentrification, overcrowding, and manipulation tactics driven by politics and big shot developers.

I found the podcast’s aesthetic to be refreshing; there was never a time that the listener was left unaware of a topic or unbeknownst to a certain term; everything was explained for any listener’s understanding. I liked how there was a healthy mixture of narrative with interviews or a type of panelist conversation in which there is a moderator and someone speaking along those lines. I also liked the stitching between reality and personal analysis; it gave a very humanistic approach to a very broad topic of gentrification and rezoning.

As for any inquiries I had subsequent to listening to the podcast, I only had one recurring question, which is as follows: “As they mentioned the East New York project, Is this an example of finding an “antidote” to blight while avoiding massive gentrification?”

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