Tag Archives: zines

Notes from today, and readings/assignments for Wednesday, September 14

Reflecting on today’s discussion about media ownership, I wanted to find out about ownership of the publishing companies that publish many textbooks. McGraw-Hill, for example, owns financial services company Standard and Poor’s, as well as market research firm JD Power and Associates.
If you get a chance to research ownership of a media outlet that you use often, let us all know what you find in the comments.

On Wednesday, we’ll be discussing alternative media: print (zines, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (blogs, wikis, etc.).
Please read the following 3 articles:
Eland, Critical Thinking, Deviant Knowledge, and the Alternative Press

Zine World, Zines 101: a Quick Guide to Zines., and

Wright, The History and Characteristics of Zines, (Part I only)
Your blogging assignment is to comment on at least one but no more than 3 blog posts–your classmates’ or mine.

Slides from today’s class are here.