The reading, âMedia in digital ageâ by Pavlik, is pointing out that the advancement in media has given opportunities to a common man to come forward and be a part of it in spreading information, share thoughts and views. Now people are helping media by providing information to sites like yahoo, msn, etc. The examples are around us, whether it is 911 or recently passed hurricane Irene. People took videos with their cellphones, cameras or camcorders and posted online. This shows diversity in source of information. From person next door to a journalist, we are taking part in media.
People with talents are also using social networking sites like Facebook, youtube, tagged, and so many more to explore and to reach to other people. They donât need big labels or big banners, to launch them (which costs money), to gain popularity. Rather than this, they have chosen fan following to make their own name and fame. They have worked from scratch to reach where they are now.
LIB 1201 | Research and Documentation for the Information Age
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Monday & Wednesday 10-11:15 am
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