The two readings were long informative articles that exposed really important matters regarding online privacy. The first reading Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck points out many flaws in Facebook’s privacy system. After reading the article I became more aware how exposed I really am to my friends and to the world. Anything shared on Facebook can affect not only someone’s life but their future career as well. In the second article Online Privacy: Do Americans need better Privacy?, Marshall implanted fear into my naïve little mind on how naked I really am when I surf the net. I feel that the government should strictly regulate online privacy though they fear that by doing so may hinder the economic growth. Regardless online privacy is a topic that is raising a lot of attentions.
LIB 1201 | Research and Documentation for the Information Age
Section 9950
Monday & Wednesday 10-11:15 am
Professor Anne Leonard
(718) 260-5487
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