I enjoyed the readings given. I found them to be quite informative inspiring if you will. Being a history buff, i’m always fascinated by how different things came about. Flickr in this case was done by accident and it turned out to be a rather profitable accident ($35 million worth). I liked how as a social media it allowed people to connect through similar interests. And how it became a medium for photographers to get some exposure for their work. I also liked how it showed the other side of the coin (or dark side of the moon, like transformers 3, get it? but i digress). The other side being just about anything put on the internet can be used by anyone for any purposes, regardless of how degrading it might be. Which goes back to what the last reading addressed. Do we have Constitutional Rights for things we may put on the internet or the cloud if you will. I thoroughly enjoyed the Badke reading. Its like having ice cream after been fed vegetables, celeries to be specific, for weeks. He was able to get his point across, through various anologies and humor. I totally get the difference and importance between keywords and controlled vocabulary. Why can’t all our readings be Badke, or why can’t the other authors just copy his style. Then again, if everyone wrote like Badke, then Badke won’t be Badke anymore. He’d be Boredke.
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