Randell P.-Monday readings

In reading Pavlik’s “New Technology and the Media: An Uneasy alliance”, Pavlik points out the flaws that some news corporations have in adopting the new technology in the world. One might say that news broadcasting companies choose to stick to the “classic” way of reporting their news and distributing it them to the public. Although their methods are fine and well and appeals to a certain fan-base, their print revenue is far lower than their web based revenue. I find that surprising since newspapers brings in the most money between the three of them. Newspapers has been around for as long as I can remember and it is a little surprising that it has upheld its earnings.

With the online reading about what the rock band Radiohead did for their highly anticipated album was phenomenal. For a well known band to release an official album for free is pretty uncommon. For them to do that kind of sets an example so other bands can possibly make the money they put in back to their pockets. But, from the reading “Love for Labels” by Serona Elton glorifies the major record labels.  She claims that artists need record labels to produce and market their product efficiently, although many artists disagree with that idea.

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