Author Archives: randellpierrelys

Survival webpage-Randell, Nityah, Wale

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In learning how to do advanced searches and searching library and article databases, a new world of information was opened for me. Through the different ways of searching, things have definitely become more complicated than a simple keyword search, and that is something that I found to be effective. What will stay with me is the use of quotations and the use of the word “and”. Another thing that will stay with me are the different ways to look at writing a research paper. I always thought it had to be along the lines of a report rather than coming up with my own recommendations on the topic.

Research Blog Post

When writing my research paper, I’ll attack it like it is a regular research paper. My strategy includes having main points and backing them up with details. I’ll also attempt for some data synthesis as well as Badke mentioned to try and make it more juicy rather than cut and dry. Unfortunately, a research paper doesn’t allow for much creativity, so it is almost inevitable for our research papers to not get bogged down with details and specific vocabulary. Hopefully, we all, as students, can get something that we can retain to while writing our papers. The different research strategies that exist are certainly new to me and should stick around in my brain for a good amount of time.

Research blog post

I already really like WorldCat. I can choose which format I want to look for, whether it will be articles or a book. I searched about social media’s influence on world disasters and  I received two positive results for my topic. I am especially surprised about this turn of events because social media is fairly new and recent. I am wondering if searching a recent event on WorldCat will yield positive results as well. CUNY+, on the other hand, did not give me what I was looking for at all. I guess that is what one can expect from something that comes from CUNY.

research blog post Randell P.

So i think that a good topic for a research paper would revolve around the effect social media has on spreading the message of the march on wall street. I searched it and unfortunately there are mixed messages through videos and web content. I was listening to a radio broadcast this morning which really broke down what the march is about. Unfortunately i didn’t know who the source was, but, Russel Simmons,  another man who has been in politics,  and I am guessing a woman who partakes in the march, were all commenting on the reasons. I’m sure a good amount of educated people could assume the reasons. Let’s see how everything goes.

Randell P. Assignment 10

Data as a goal and data as a tool. Two very interesting ways to look at the information available on a certain topic. The part that is comedic of Badke is how professors must go through the dread of reading a simple report on the topic without the writer raising any attention getting questions or points of view. Using acquired data on a topic to form an in depth analysis on an issue sounds a lot more entertaining to read AND write. Maybe all professors should require this chapter as part of a class’s syllabus, that way those once dreaded papers can actually become an intellectual gold mine.

Assignment 9

Who knew that the business and amount of work behind search engines were so vigorous? I always thought that search engines had a vast amount of information that could always be tapped into no matter the time, place, or location of the user. I did know about which keywords I should include and leave out, but through these readings, it shows that adding words like “and” or “or” can really alter a search’s results. I always knew that Google was a big corporation, but I was never aware of the many changes that they made to their website, especially the changes that has to do with what a search result can yield.

randell p. the world of tagging

In Badke’s chapter 4 reading, he touches on a few topics. Some of those topics include tagging, keyword searches, and metadata. He provided a lot of useful information behind keyword searches that I didn’t know about. For example, with a keyword search it simply looks for the words in the databases articles. It really is a brainless concept that most people haven’t sat down and thought about. Metadata is a much more organized system of looking up information as seen in the online records example. If only looking up information online was as easy as looking someone up using an online phone book with metadata, right?

The use of tags can be  seen as one of the major areas where people who surf the net can contribute their own titles or reference pages that will be seen by other humans. There is now a “folksonomy” online. Its a subdivision of taxonomy. This word is used because people who tag pages are basically classifying them to other humans. This also holds true in social networking sites like flikr. A computer cannot recognize photos all too well. But when a human tags a photo, every other human can know to click on “dogs” instead of “horses”. Computers cannot make that distinction.

The Myth of Privacy in Today’s World by Randell P.

As we’ve discussed in class and as most of us have witnessed through online experience, privacy is something that is often violated. Unfortunately, violators of privacy don’t have a gaping scar on their face or wear an eye-patch. Often time they are someone you know, or, someone you’ve never even met in your life. Sounds grim right? This is the world of the internet now. Advertisers claim that the information that they TAKE from us with or without us knowing is for our own good because it targets certain ads for our interests. So it is almost like taking someone shirt or other belonging that they hold dearly because the thief will give them shirts just like it and of course, it is for our own good. There are new laws that are going to be incorporated into the FCC rules this November for the internet, but the maker of the website I believe feels that they aren’t strong enough. I heard it on the radio in the morning. Lets see what happens to the future of searching the net and the privacy pirates in the next few years.

Randell p. wikipedia

The reading by Nicholson Baker titled “The Charms of Wikipedia” is the funniest reading I’ve read in a long time. From the way the author writes down to the Wikipedia page alterations, it makes this reading unbelievably enjoyable. Baker makes a valid point on the success of websites in today’s world. I agree with his statement that online websites should have an addicting element to keep active users coming back. Now I wouldn’t sit and play watchdog on a page I have edited just because it is too easy for it to be changed and spammed by another bored and anonymous user.  While Wikipedia is a questionable source, it does provide useful information about many different topics. After all, it is still an encyclopedia.