Your blog post on process documentation

For Monday, your (final!) blogging assignment is to find one example of process documentation and share it with the class. Your example of process documentation can take any form: a video, a web page, or even a printed manual or document. It should document how something is done thoroughly enough so that any viewer or reader fully understands how to do the process successfully and arrive at the same results that are demonstrated. Documentation of a process helps standardize the process of doing, making, or building something. Process documentation is often performed in the field of software development. Software writers document how they accomplish specific tasks, and in what order, so that other teams can replicate the process without “reinventing the wheel” each time. Good process documentation also starts by stating the goal or purpose of the process and lists all equipment and skills that are necessary to the completion of all tasks.

Here is an example of a video that documents the process of medicating a pet cat:

This blog post from the University of Virginia Scholars Lab documents the process of geocoding places on a map using ArcGIS software; that is, how to match a list of street addresses to points on a digital map that can then be edited or shared in a variety of ways.

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