Notes from today, and reading & blogging for Monday, October 24

I hope the activity helped you begin to organize your thoughts and see relationships among your ideas for the research paper topic.If you want to share your mind map or get feedback, you can post your bubbl in a new post on the blog (see my post below). If you are still generating an idea for the research paper and wish to review class notes, visit the Slides page of the course site.

On Monday, we’ll continue our discussion about the process of research: refining a topic and creating search strategies. Please read Badke, appendix 1 pp. 177-195 and review Badke Ch. 3 pp. 34-41. Your first research journal blog post is due Monday as well. Here is prompt for that post:

You are working on choosing a topic and developing a research question for your paper. What difficulties (if any) have you encountered as you work on your research proposal?
What strategies (if any) have you used successfully during this work?
What questions (if any) do you have about the assignment?

Slides from today are available here.

~Prof. L.

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