When I read both prints and watched both videos I had realized that the media changes years after years, and that we can expect more technology to arrive and improve our ways of communicating and telling our stories to others. Media can impact our lives in any kind of way because it shows us the abilities to learn and know what has changed. Blogs and Wikis have now been updated to a better use which means that is easier to communicate and as we know that by blogging we can interact with others and comment back to each other. Also we can have options as to edit or save and or delete the information we had inserted in the wikis or blogs. The videos really got my attention because it shows us examples on how we can use these kinds of links in a way of communicating to the world. The only kind of problem we can have if media keeps improving is that if it only goes on web and no longer on print. Due to the fact to those people that doesnât know how to use a computer will have problems communicating or even being updated on the news of the worldwide web.  Media improvements can be positive in many ways but sometimes it can be negative in many other ways too.
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