Tag Archives: research

Research Topic

  Not as easy as it sounds when you have to make it as narrow as possible. During this past week I have centered mine around piracy and copyright law. Yet it is a wide subject and filtering and changing … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading & blogging homework for Wednesday, March 14

Today we discussed the mechanics of searching, including how search engines work, various alternative specialized search engines, and advanced search strategies such as Boolean operators, nesting, phrase searching, and truncation. For Wednesday, March 14, please read Badke, chapter 2, and … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

After reading the article, I agree with Martin’s argument that research in general today is conducted for the benefit of those who can provide financial funding to researchers. Research is expensive (at least, in the real world outside academic grounds) … Continue reading

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A Big Ole Fat Glass of HATTERAID!

Martin makes some interesting observations in his article. I must say that I agree with his belief that the vast majority of research is channeled toward specific goals and those goals are not necessarily best for the masses. The goal … Continue reading

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The Politics Of Research

Political researching is more in favor towards the funding process. It gives us, the people, a bigger aspect in how people would do work faster for a fund. For some of the example Brian Martin spoke of, such as the … Continue reading

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Research And It’s Politics

When the topic was first introduced, I interpreted it as the “behind the scenes” of general research. What I mean by that is the issues from social or governmental parties that may get involved, how research is taught to others, what is … Continue reading

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Chapters 1 & 8

Researching is the main thing I been doing since I was younger. I have been curious on certain topics from the moment I was allowed to use a computer in the library. Personally, in what William Badke stated about the … Continue reading

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Integrity of Information

Information. In this day and age, the Internet makes it possible for anyone to access it from any computer anywhere in the world. Along with that ability to access information comes the potentiality to add and/or edit to that pool … Continue reading

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