
LIB 1201 Course Schedule

All readings and assignments are due at the beginning of class on the date listed below. Please write down and bring at least one question about one of the readings to every class, and come to class prepared to discuss all of the day’s assigned readings.

Mon 1/30         Introduction to the course; review syllabus; sign up for OpenLab

The Information Landscape: Media and Production

Wed 2/1           Brief history of media; the lifecycle of information; traditional print media: journalism, academic/government/research agency publications
Reading: Read Badke: Preface, Ch. 1 and Ch. 8
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Mon 2/6           Digital text: online versions of print media, “born digital” content
Reading: Pavlik pp. 1-8, Harrington and Meade pp. 6-9;
Viewing: Common Craft blogs and wikis videos
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Wed 2/8           Alternative media: print (zines, pamphlets, etc.) and electronic (blogs, wikis, etc.)
Reading: Eland, Zine World, Wright (Part I only)
Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post

Mon 2/13         College closed; no class or office hours

Wed 2/15         Non-text media: sound, images, multimedia
Reading: Pavlik pp. 79-84, Malitz, Elton
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Mon 2/20         College closed; no class or office hours

TUES 2/21       MONDAY SCHEDULE Web 2.0 and participatory media
Reading: Web 2.0 (Wikipedia), Baker; Viewing: Common Craft social media in plain English
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Issues in Information and Media

Wed 2/22         Access: personal, institutional, digital divide
Reading: Martin Ch. 7
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Mon 2/27         Privacy: changing definitions; challenges of digital media
Reading: Marshall, P. (2009, November 6). Online privacy. CQ Researcher, 19, 933-956.
boyd, d. (2008). Facebook’s privacy trainwreck.

Assignment:  Write one reading response blog post

Wed 2/29         Ethics: Plagiarism
Reading: Isserman, Plagiarism: A Lie of the Mind; Widdicombe, The Plagiarist’s Tale
Assignment: comment on at least one blog post

Mon 3/5           Copyright and fair use; open access
Reading: Center for Social Media sections “Code” and “Principles” only; Viewing: Grey, Lessig, Faden
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

How Information and Media Are Organized

Wed 3/7           Metadata: information about information, taxonomies, folksonomies
Reading: Badke Ch. 4, Dye, Harrod
Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post

Mon 3/12         Search mechanics: what is a database, how does a search engine work
Reading: Badke Ch. 3, Liddy, Leibman
Assignment: Write one reading response blog post

Wed 3/14         The research process: needs assessment, preliminary strategies, topic development
Reading: Badke Ch. 2
Assignment: Comment on at least one blog post

Finding Information and Media

Mon 3/19         The research process: refining a topic, creating search strategies
Reading: Badke Appendix 1 pp. 177-195, review Badke Ch. 3 pp. 34-41
Write one research journal blog post; see blog for prompt

Wed 3/21         Searching: internet
Reading: Badke Ch. 6 (all) and Ch. 7 pp. 122-124; Viewing: Common Craft web search strategies in plain English
DUE:  Research topic proposal

Mon 3/26         Searching: library catalogs
Reading: Badke Ch. 5 pp. 71-76, Library of Congress Classification Outline
Assignment: Write one research journal blog post

Using Information and Media

Wed 3/28         Searching: article databases
Reading: Badke Ch. 5 pp. 76-95
DUE: Annotated bibliography

Mon 4/2           Evaluation of sources in any format: how to evaluate
Reading: UC Berkeley, Cornell
Assignment: Write one research journal blog post

Wed 4/4           Evaluation of sources in any format: why to evaluate;
Reading: Fister, Grimmelmann
DUE: Research paper outline

Mon 4/9 and Wed 4/11  classes cancelled; Spring Break.
Library is OPEN 9-5 Mon-Fri

Mon 4/16         Writing an academic research paper; evaluation game
Reading: Badke Ch. 10 and Appendix 1 pp. 196-203
Assignment: Write one research journal blog post

Wed 4/18         Rationale for documentation and citation
Reading: Hauptman pp. 7-13; Howard, A Modern Scholar’s Ailments
DUE: Research paper draft

Mon 4/23         Documentation: standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-text media; standards, methods and styles for practices and processes
Reading: Badke Ch. 9, browse Purdue OWL’s APA and MLA Style sections
Assignment: one comment on a classmate’s blog post

Wed 4/25         Documentation: practical applications
Find one example of process documentation in any format, read it, and write one blog post in which you describe, summarize and critique it. Be prepared to discuss your example in class!
Reading: Edge, Robinson

Mon 4/30         Research paper workshop with Prof. Bronwen Densmore

Wed 5/2           Introduce group project & form groups
DUE: Research paper final version

Mon 5/7           Group project work

Presentation of Information and Looking to the Future

Wed 5/9           Future of information and media, wrapping up
Viewing: Sloan

Mon 5/14         Group project work
Assignment: One research journal blog post

Wed 5/16         Reading day; no classes scheduled. Groups are strongly advised to meet and prepare the presentation and project; the e-classroom will be available for group work.

Mon 5/21         Student Presentations

Wed 5/23         Student Presentations
DUE before the beginning of class:  Online documentation project

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