To pay the piper

As in any field of knowledge you have experts. Experts cost when they are linked to the powerful and large organizations. Realistically this is how the world works. I have the knowledge and you want it. It will cost you. That is seen in many ways, shapes, and forms in any discipline that is connected to an organization be it government or corporate. While today we have a wider array of gaining knowledge via the internet. The fiefdoms still guard the walls of their specialized areas jealously and only once you have paid the gate keeper will you be allowed in. But do not look too closely lest you be banished for wanting to see deep within the secret areas not fully understood by anyone but the experts. In some cases parts of this reading is like a look into medieval times with lords and wizards guarding their hoards of knowledge. Suffice to say there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to human nature. I have it and you want it and we must come to an agreement before you get it.

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Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is indeed power. However, it isn’t power just by itself as Martin stated. According to Martin, it can be a means for obtaining power, wealth, and status. Knowledge can help you gain control of money. Individuals and groups have the authority in certain knowledge hence, we ask for fees, jobs, careers, and status. I interpret this as us in today’s society. We (the experts) gain knowledge from college or somewhere else hence; we become the one with knowledge. The individuals and groups are referred to as entrepreneur and companies. We seek them for fees, jobs, careers, and status. And since there can be money and status from being the recognized expert, we sell ourselves to the one that pays most as Martin stated. Also we seek to serve those that are powerful.

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Knowledge is Money

In Brian Martin’s article “The Politics of Research,”  he discusses two very important factors in the world today; knowledge and funding.  When someone wants to research more into something, they usually need someone to fund their work, that is if they can find someone interested enough to lend them money in hopes of getting it back.  Martin gives an example of a drug research team looks into drugs to help reduce tension and wind up finding something that can reduce kidney stones, it is very unlikely that they would research something that is unpatented seeing as there would be no profit to gain.  Martin then brings up a good point that just because you are being funded does not mean that you are going to find results.  In most cases, researchers are being funded to find certain things and if some other discovery is made then it’s the decision of whoever is supplying the funding to decide if they will continue.  This relates to the old saying “knowledge is money” and if you are funding a researcher, you better hope this saying is true.


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The Politics of Research

After reading the article, I agree with Martin’s argument that research in general today is conducted for the benefit of those who can provide financial funding to researchers. Research is expensive (at least, in the real world outside academic grounds) and money talks, after all.

And it is a sad observation that professionals in different fields such as physics, math, and medicine look down on those who veer away from the tried-and-true methods in favor of alternative options because alternative options rarely have the solid expertise backing that the tried-and-true methods have. Many discoveries in science were found because alternative methods were tried as opposed to the traditional ones.

There is something that bothers me, though: more often than not, prestigious universities such as Duke or Harvard tend to get mentioned in the news whenever there is a research conducted and the results are presented. What about the non-prestigious universities? If they conduct research and they end up with interesting results, would they be given the same attention as the Ivy League schools? It seems like money talks here as well.

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A Big Ole Fat Glass of HATTERAID!

Martin makes some interesting observations in his article. I must say that I agree with his belief that the vast majority of research is channeled toward specific goals and those goals are not necessarily best for the masses. The goal of corporations is profit and in being so their research must produce results. Their stockholders demand it. This model is a working one. It gets things done though it may not be the best model available. I think what Martin is striving for is public participation in the research process and the sharing of research information. Martin pointed out that corporate funded labs may, at times, be funded in one area and inadvertently stumble across an advancement in an unrelated area. What happens to that information? It is used or NOT used in the pursuit of profit. Who knows the cure for HIV may be locked away in some corporate vault while they make countless millions on pharmaceuticals. We’ll never know. Unfortunately the corporations fund the research and they own the information. They ain’t giving it up so “forgetaboutit!” Government research is funded with taxpayer dollars so it is possible to make headway in this area. Martin’s opinion of disciplines and experts is a little ridiculous. I don’t know about you but I don’t want any uncredentialed doctors advice. Nor would I want an unlicensed engineer anywhere near my house. The process of education and credentialing is used to set a minimum standard of expertise. We all relay of the fact that the people we interact with are competent in their field. Credentialing doesn’t always ensure this but, hell you gota start somewhere so stop hatting Martin.


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The Politics Of Research

Political researching is more in favor towards the funding process. It gives us, the people, a bigger aspect in how people would do work faster for a fund. For some of the example Brian Martin spoke of, such as the medical field, when patients ask doctors help cure any diseases to decrease the amount of time towards death, the results tend to come quicker when a fund is given. This simply gives me the significance that people with higher knowledge are much more selfish than those with little knowledge. Knowledge may be limited to those with certain interests, but those with the interest in conning people for a higher fund are the ones who are selfish.

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Martins “Politics of Research”

Martins “The Politics of Research” brings to light the sad but true way of how the world operates, money makes the world go around. At the end of the day the only thing that big corporations are concerned about is there profit and therefore are only going to invest into research that will maximize their profits. Why would they invest millions into a study that proves if you eat “a” then your risk of getting “b” is reduced or eliminated. When they can invest into research for a drug or procedure that can manage or cure “b”, then they can go and charge an obscene amount for it, because they know that people will pay for it, because really there unaware of any alternatives.

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The Politics of Research

Off the bat, I disliked the idea of those economists disregarding anyone who opposes to their ideologies simply because everything someone receives; it being negative or not is constructive, and is there as a guideline to improve. The idea that knowledge isn’t “everlasting” can be challenged. I feel that knowledge can be eternal because of the simple fact that once one has knowledge, there is a easier understanding in a certain subject. Of course they did bring up an interesting point that knowledge can in fact change, when dealing with scientific knowledge due to the evolution of things. The concept that with research and teaching, one can develop new knowledge demonstrates a necessity for us to become disciplined in general. Therefore, when we become disciplined, we will be able to take in knowledge and create anew with the help of research. 

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Research And It’s Politics

When the topic was first introduced, I interpreted it as the “behind the scenes” of general research. What I mean by that is the issues from social or governmental parties that may get involved, how research is taught to others, what is being researched, and what’s influencing research. Unfortunately in today’s world, everything is done with much help from funding whether by sponsors or by the government. And how people get the tools they need for research is being funded by corporations for institutions such as universities and private research companies. But then there is a demand for a specific discipline which can affect how much funding is being provided. What I mean is that if there is a desire to research how to build a better car over building a better vacuum, people will probably rather fund the research for the car more than the vacuum. That’s what Brian Martin is stating within the first ten pages of chapter 7, that a discipline and funding affect each other. But what if we didn’t have to worry about the money? How much could we accomplish if politics didn’t have such an enormous affect? Who knows, we might have been able to have information on how to live on another planet by now if it wasn’t for politics.

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Social Media

Social networking has taken over most if us individuals. It is surprising how many people from the instant they wake up or before they go to sleep, their so.addicted that they have to check the web, whether its their email, Facebook, Twitter, etc. Based on the information you give about your self any where on the web , reviews are based on stuff that might interest you based on the information you provide. I find that this is surprising what can be done with social media and how much can be accomplished by this. I believe that this has impacted many people especially people who are on Facebook,Twitter,etc the whole entire day.Its nothing but an addiction and I think that it is ridiculous because what do you get out of looking at pictures or updating statuses the whole day, it is a waste of time. So is all of this social media really good or not ??

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