
The use of copyrighting, helps draw a fine line between the maker of the content and the one who uses it. Because of the copyright law bestowed upon us years ago, we, the user, cannot cannot claim the work of someone else. However, we can use that information to better our understanding on the specific topic, as long as to remain loyal to the rights embedded in that law. Being that I’m in Entertainment Technology, there will be multiple moments where I, will have to copyright a piece of my work, then distribute it amongst the masses. But, it will be ensured that if one were to want to sample something, I, in turn, would be credited.

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I think it’s only fair for copyrights to be in effect till the author dies. If an author created something than they deserve to be compensated if someone else wants to use what they created. During the 1700’s the length of copyrights was 28 years. Life expectancy in the 1700’s was around 35 years. So the copyright laws were essentially covering the life of the author give or take a few years. What I donā€™t think is fair is for a company own have copyright for an additional 70 years after the creators death, thatā€™s a bit excessive. The law should be changed to something more practical like 10 or 15 years after the authorā€™s death.

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Copyright is basically considered to be the right way to copy someones work but without it being considered as plagiarism. As long as you give credit to the person who wrote what you copied I believe that should not be a problem. Because if someones work is copied word for word but yet is not given credit for it, its wrong. But you will be the one paying for it which is something you would want to avoid. These videos really explained the concepts of copyright and it makes it clear how there are limits to certain reactions you make and if you pass the limit you will end up facing the consequences which will screw you over.

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When i first came across the word Copyright when i was younger, i always thought that it meant that you have the right to film or write a book about something that you came up with yourself. I guess i was half way right about what it meant, but if you look up the word copyright it clearly states that “it is a legal concept, enacted by most governments, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to it, usually for a limited time. Generally, it is “the right to copy”, but also gives the copyright holder the right to be credited for the work, to determine who may adapt the work to other forms, who may perform the work, who may financially benefit from it, and other related rights.” That is what Copyright really means, i do like how Mr.Faden explains what Copyright means in his YouTube video A Fair(y) use tale, he used the Walt-Disney Characters to explain what Copyright means and how far you can go with it, basically to me he is explaining your rights and limitations on how far copyright can be used. To me the video was funny but very useful to know about, he draws our attention using cartoon characters to explain his point.This clearly makes you think that if you use copyright the wrong way you could pay a price for it.


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The plagarist tale

Rowan’s book success was controlled through the editing of sex. When we can’t illustrate thrill to are audience moreover keep our swagger because of dress code our next step is to act out of character. The imposter or charlatan deems respect in his personal life, but his business is his business.

What imprisonment or persecution would hold you back from plagiarisms? Having your boss tell you that wearing timberland boots on the sales floor is not recommended could beĀ  challenging. So what do you do, you look at the salesman around you to copy there style and to fit in as an employee.Ā  While asking yourself. What response or bad mouthing will I receive?Ā  To consider Rowan’s devotion, it is write for me to say he is imposter, because he seems like plagiarism was the only answer for a Bourne spoken raw-cut applauder. For him though it might be like responding to this prank,Ā  a bugger is on your shirt then the prankster pokes you in the eye.

The broadest self defense against plagiarism is the act of staying focus. Reshaping his novel to imitate the Bourne novels is like using Prada, Porsche design, and Salvatore Ferragamo shoes to work in. The imposter is not plagiarist only if his actions are controlled by the environment.

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Intellectual Frankensteins

Quentin Rowan, Kaavya Viswanathan and Jason Blair all had one thing in common, blind ambition. They believed that they were some how destined for greatness and success and would do anything to ensure that they achieved it. It makes you wonder how rampant plagiarism really is. How many novelist and journalist use the works of others, not all the time or in large quantities but, sparingly? I’ll bet the number would be surprising. Just how many times can you reinvent the wheel anyway. Of course, in the cases of Rowan, Viswanathan and Blair, their actions where overt and extreme. They stripped others bodies of work and then successful reassemble the inanimate parts to create a new and complete work which they dubbed “their” creation. Sound familiar?

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Notes from today, and reading, viewing and blogging for Monday, March 5

Today we discussed plagiarism and academic misconduct from both academic/educational perspectives and “real-world” perspectives. Though we did not have time to watch it in class, I encourage you all to view Katie Couric’s interview with Jayson Blair. See today’s slides for the link to the video.

For next Monday, please read Center for Social Media sections ā€œCodeā€ and ā€œPrinciplesā€ only, and watchĀ Grey, Copyright: Forever Less One Day, Lessig on laws that choke creativity, and Faden, A Fair(y) Use Tale. Please write one reading response blog post.

Enjoy the weekend!
~Prof. Leonard

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Privacy is never a sure thing once you submit any type if information about yourself on the web. Basically of you look at it you are obligated to put information about yourself on the web because once you have entered it you have no option but to press the agree button in order to have access to anything. But no one really thinks about their privacy exposure because they are just interested about having access to whatever is out there and new today to be like everyone else. Your information can be taken and be used by anyone for many things that you will never be aware of because you will never be told.

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Throughout my high school years, plagiarism was seen as something that could call for expulsion simply because one shouldn’t mimic another’s words and call them their own. And that’s the way is still is. In the Chronicle Review article, Maurice IssermanĀ spoke of a man who plagiarized for a majority of his time in office, and how this matter should be dealt with. I honestly feel that if one feels the need to take someone else’s work they should just make reference of it, so that way when “shit hits the fan”, no one gets into trouble.

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging for Wednesday 2/29

Today we discussed some of the legal and social aspects of privacy as well as how our understanding and expectations of privacy change depending on the context. Here’s a question I did not get a chance to ask you all: are we helping create a surveillance society each time we use a social networking site or interact with a website that collects data or tracks our use? Why is that different from being captured on surveillance cameras every time we leave our homes?

I distributed guidelines for the Research Topic proposal, due March 21. Please get in touch with any questions you have about this assignment; I am happy to discuss in person or over email. Remember, you will want to express your research topic as a question.

On Wednesday, February 29 we’ll talk about plagiarism. Please read Isserman, Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind and Widdicombe, The Plagiarist’s Tale. Please comment on at least one blog post.

Slides from today are available here.


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