Author Archives: egonzalez

Final Blog Post

I think the web has done an incredible job at allowing a vast amount information to be easily accessible to anyone with internet access. What I see as still being a problem is deciding on whether a source is reliable … Continue reading

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Process documentation

I bake about once a week in my house.  I like trying new things so of usually search for a new recipe online. First you need  to look over the recipe to make sure you have the neccesssary ingredients. If … Continue reading

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I’ve often wondered how Google’s results were ordered, as I’ve sometime notice that the results at top aren’t necessarily the most relevant to my search and sometimes results towards the middle or bottom of the page are. Now that I … Continue reading

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Research Journal Library Database vs Search Engine

  One immediate and obvious difference between an internet search engine and a library database is the “so called” amount of results. When I searched “e-book academic usage” on Google 210,000,000 hits came up, much too many for me to … Continue reading

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Research Journel: Searching

One issue I encountered while searching for scholarly articles through Google Scholar is that I kept encountering the pay wall. It would be convenient if they added the option to exclude or include articles that must be paid for. A … Continue reading

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Research Topic

While working on choosing a topic and developing a research question I find that a difficulty that I’m continuously having is that rather then come up with a question that my paper will answer, I’m coming up with thesis statements … Continue reading

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In chapter 3 “Database searching with keywords and hierarchies” Badke helps to inform on how to carry out a more precise and accurate search using keywords. His analogy of the “keyword” to “friends you trust only to a certain point” … Continue reading

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I think it’s only fair for copyrights to be in effect till the author dies. If an author created something than they deserve to be compensated if someone else wants to use what they created. During the 1700’s the length … Continue reading

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Facebooks Privacy Trainwreck

Boyd’s “Facebook’s Privacy Trainwreck” discusses the logic behind why many users were upset with Facebook’s launching a feature referred to as “News Feeds”. With this feature users would login and see updates of the actions, comments and forums their friends … Continue reading

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Martins “Politics of Research”

Martins “The Politics of Research” brings to light the sad but true way of how the world operates, money makes the world go around. At the end of the day the only thing that big corporations are concerned about is … Continue reading

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