pavlik “media in the digital age”

Pavlik message about media and how it distinguishes global communication with different mediums explains the photographers goal in reporting. Broadcaster developed the camera through Mr. Morse’s idea of the daguerreotype. The invention shameless of storytelling helped pave the way for media specialist like reporters and photographers to develop a communication that allows the audience to be informed better. The improvement is like digital media where the transformation of print media relied on audience acceptance pertaining to wants, like, needs, and hope. The hope that Mr. Morse found in the daguerreotype was of that significance to the reader of those early photographs. The audience needed a sense of visual presentation it allowed for more words to be evaluated in the response of an article. It allowed a predestined affect for the reader like his wants and needs had been finally true. And the reporters job had become easier by the technology. I wonder if digital cameras are of that importance in today’s broadcast. Do we need microscopic lenses to see dna cells? Is it what the reporter speaks of through his passion of information?

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