New Technology and the Media: Friend or Foe?

Throughout history there has always been worry with the connection between “new technology” and “the media”.  When something new goes public, media leaders must decide if this idea or object will be good or bad for them.  According to Pavlik, events such as this goes as far back as the 1800’s.  Pavlik tells the story of how Samuel F.B. Morse brought photography to American newspapers.  As you can see this connection benefited media and is still used today.  The problem with investing in new technologies, is the risk that they may not become very popular.  The reading states that “In 2006, not a single major U.S. media organization sponsored a pioneering MIT Media Lab.”  Today, we rely on many media leaders such as Google to help us with things like research.  You can type anything in the search bar and guaranteed something will come up.  Imagine if investors did not believe enough in the internet and did not invest their money.  You would not be able to read this blog right now.

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