Today we discussed the rationale for documentation and citation. Our close in-class reading of the selection from Hauptman yielded some great questions and observations about how the six purposes of documentation he describes can be used, or mis-used, for a variety of scholarly and professional purposes. We briefly discussed link rot and the causes and effects of disappearing online documentation of scholarly sources. If you have a moment, check out the recent e-book about the implications of disappearing electronic references and footnotes: Vanishing act : the erosion of online footnotes and implications for scholarship in the digital age by Michael J. Bugeja and Daniela V. Dimitrova.
On Monday 4/23 we’ll continue our dicsusion on documentation and address standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-text media as well as standards, methods and styles for practices and processes. Please read Badke Ch. 9 and browse Purdue OWL’s APA and MLA Style sections. Your blogging homework is one comment on a classmate’s blog post (or 2 comments on 2 different posts with a total word count of 100 words).
Hope to see you tomorrow at the OpenLab launch event! It takes place in N119 from 3:30-5:30.
I hope to return your graded drafts with comments over the next few days so you can get started with revisions. Slides from today are available here.
~Prof. L.