One thing that i have learned about writing a good research paper is that it is important to have an outline to help you develop a good paper. In high school i never knew that it was important when i had to write essay’s for my English classes at the time, my teachers would always tell us to write an outline in order to help us write and develop a very good paper. I always think about this every time i have to write a paper on something being that i am a college student now, it really can help me focus more with a proper structure for my paper that can take me from a question to a conclusion clearly and faithfully as badke book states. I also understand that it is very good to also have causes and effects in your paper to persuade something or someone that this might have caused the event or situation to happen in the first place. It is also the main reason that made you write your paper in the beginning. Writing a good paper in my opinion takes a lot of time, and concentration because you have to come up with good ideas, reasons, and sources to help you back up your question that you are asking in your research paper. But as long as you are finding good information and sources for your paper, and have a very good outline then you should have no problem on developing a great paper to write about.
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