Monthly Archives: February 2012

facebooks privacy trainwreck

In the social networking community people create just enough here say to develop attraction from people who crave undivided attention. The social networking allows conflict that jeopardize freedom of speech, decision making, and interest. It develops an attacking, manipulating, and … Continue reading

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Access to Baker’s article, “How I fell in love with Wikipedia”

The Nicholson Baker article about Wikipedia appeared under a slightly different title in the Guardian in April 2008, and persists on its website, so anyone who felt deprived of Monday’s full experience can read it here. Many thanks to Prof. … Continue reading

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Notes from today, and reading and blogging homework for Monday 2/27

Today we discussed access to information: personal and institutional. We also discussed the digital divide; click on infographic thumbnail below to see a full-size version. We also divided into groups to spend time analyzing and summarizing sections from the Martin … Continue reading

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Money Makes the World Go Round

In the “politics of research” chapter it was interesting to see the age old saying about how “money makes the world go round” brought to new light and applied to something we are all a part of, and that is … Continue reading

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To pay the piper

As in any field of knowledge you have experts. Experts cost when they are linked to the powerful and large organizations. Realistically this is how the world works. I have the knowledge and you want it. It will cost you. … Continue reading

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Knowledge is Power

Knowledge is indeed power. However, it isn’t power just by itself as Martin stated. According to Martin, it can be a means for obtaining power, wealth, and status. Knowledge can help you gain control of money. Individuals and groups have … Continue reading

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Knowledge is Money

In Brian Martin’s article “The Politics of Research,”  he discusses two very important factors in the world today; knowledge and funding.  When someone wants to research more into something, they usually need someone to fund their work, that is if they … Continue reading

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The Politics of Research

After reading the article, I agree with Martin’s argument that research in general today is conducted for the benefit of those who can provide financial funding to researchers. Research is expensive (at least, in the real world outside academic grounds) … Continue reading

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A Big Ole Fat Glass of HATTERAID!

Martin makes some interesting observations in his article. I must say that I agree with his belief that the vast majority of research is channeled toward specific goals and those goals are not necessarily best for the masses. The goal … Continue reading

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The Politics Of Research

Political researching is more in favor towards the funding process. It gives us, the people, a bigger aspect in how people would do work faster for a fund. For some of the example Brian Martin spoke of, such as the … Continue reading

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