Your Privacy data can and will be at anyone’s fingertips. From advertisers to government agencies your data is out there and available. Each time we go to a website, do a search, view a picture or pull data even store an online document or update an online calendar. We leave a trace of our activity, an in fact information about ourselves online. Be it Facebook, MySpace, a porn site, Shopping Website, Nothing is secret in the Web. Digital DNA it is called, streams of data about us that can be picked up and used by the advertising agencies, government, or those who have other ideas. Cookies and packets of information stored of our visits our photos our words be they good or bad. From leaving a political rant on Facebook, pictures of a particular embarrassing moment. Many old laws are still in effect but as it have been said. “Our courts have not kept up with technology and have not kept up with the needs of privacy,” says the ACLU’s Stanley. “When the Fourth Amendment was written, most of people’s lives took place in the home. Your medical life, your correspondence, your financial records were in the home. And the founding fathers recognized the need for privacy and put in strong protections for privacy in the home. But much of our lives are now stored on the servers of international corporations. And yet we have not extended privacy to cover that.” The cloud based technology and its use is a very good example of what is to come.
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Darren you are totally correct, our Privacy data can and will be at anyone’s fingertips. Our data is out there no matter what. If we post on Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and other websites our data information is being stored by someone else that we may not even know. We basically leave our trace of activity as you stated and it is easy to track down someone from there computer using there IP address. I have a G-mail account and every time i log into my account i always go down to the bottom of the page where it says details, i do this because when you click on that it gives you the IP address that your computer or laptop is using and what time you was last signed in, but if it says that this account is open in more than one location then that means someone must of hacked into your account and knows your password, how do they do that? I have no idea, and i said to myself maybe it is because someone didn’t sign out of their email or so. But it is so sad because privacy should be between you and a person that you know, but mainly privacy should just be for you and you only.Now our days we just have to be careful on what we say and how we say things online because we don’t know who is watching.
I need to say no more. You took the words right out of my mouth. My solution to this problem? Do not use social networks and I plan to do that soon.