Money Makes the World Go Round

In the “politics of research” chapter it was interesting to see the age old saying about how “money makes the world go round” brought to new light and applied to something we are all a part of, and that is college and educational institutes in general. The article emphasized the politics of research that is carried out in these institutes and how there exists a hierarchy mainly to “orient research to sources of funding and to disciplinary priorities” In other words, even though there are so many disciples and departments in any given educationalĀ  institute, the politics are that if any research being doneĀ  isn’t applicable to something (probably military), than less funding will be allocated to it, forcing prestige research to have to struggle to stay afloat. The article makes the reader question the whole idea of “academic freedom” because it isn’t so free as it costs something and that something is influenced greatly by the big powers. It would seem that research and funding is driven by businesses that will throw funding at you but if its to their benefit in the end, forcing researchers to have to find ways to disguise their work or find a way to make it applicable to what the big companies want.

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