Researching is the main thing I been doing since I was younger. I have been curious on certain topics from the moment I was allowed to use a computer in the library. Personally, in what William Badke stated about the change in learning, in chapter 1, I believe that if society took time to teach the younger generation a certain routine to learn, that the knowledge in children will be used much different than how it is today. If finding the information on the computer that’s using the same text from the original published book, what is the point of researching on the Web? In my opinion, society has gotten lazy to even do any physical activities. I’m lazy myself but only when it comes to hand writing. My biggest weakness in literature has been note taking. In chapter 8, William’s note taking tip can come in handy to limiting the notes. I sometimes think to myself, “why did I write that?” For notes I take, William makes some interesting points, even for bad note takers. So far I’m intrigued by everything he has to say about researching. I can definitely learn a thing or two.
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