Monthly Archives: March 2012

“An analysis of privacy signals on the World Wide Web: Past, present and future” by I. Reay, S. Dick, J. Miller

The World Wide Web has improved many aspects of our life since the day it was invented. It has become so vital that many of people consider it as part of everyday life. We can view the news on the … Continue reading

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Research Topic

Tomer Yakov LIB 1201 Professor Ian Beilin Research Topic My topic is concerning medical privacy laws and acts that are seen through out our legislator and state of NY. I will try to research cumbering what is the meaning of … Continue reading

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Web Search Strategies

Search engines and how to use it correctly is the main discussion seen in this wonderful video. I think that search engines do make our life easier and reliable because the information that we seek is available but it just … Continue reading

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How a Search Engine Works

Research engines fro my opinion are the mist magnificent invention ever, with out the schematic engineering and planning that was decoded in this programmable program, if this program will not function correctly Ā the entire search results outcome will never occur. … Continue reading

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Folksonomy: A Game of High-tech (and High-stakes) Tag

Ā This second article that discusses ā€œFolksonomyā€ and what it really means behind the curtains. Well I found this article to be informative and interesting nonetheless. The idea of Folksonomy is a pretty new concept that was invented in 2005 by … Continue reading

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How to make it big on Flickr

I agree with some of the statements that were made concerning how to make your self famous in flicker or any other blog online. The only thing that is a little bit out of the boundary for my opinion is … Continue reading

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Larry Lessig on laws that choke creativity

In this video an Interesting discussion concerning ā€œFair Useā€ in which was posted ion the show named TEDTalks from the TED Conference. Larry Lessig talks about laws and ethics concerning the fair use of digital media in all types of … Continue reading

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Copyright: Forever Less One Day

In this video an Interesting discussion concerning copyright laws was introduced to us the students. I over heard about the specific details that are surrounding this copy right law , but I never had the chance to explore it fully … Continue reading

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The Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education

In this video about fair use, I really liked the concept of ā€œFair useā€. The educators that are presented in this video recap are very interesting on focusing on the issues that concerns explanation to students why isnā€™t ā€œitā€, meaning … Continue reading

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Plagiarism: a Lie of the Mind

In this article by Ā MAURICE ISSERMAN concerning plagiarism and how wrong and immoral it is to plagiarize other people paper, quotes and sentences with out giving those people the credit that they deserve. I agree with that statement 100% and … Continue reading

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