Discussion # 7

Referring to half of the semester, I can say that my exposure to Robert Moses has been widen. I knew about him from one of my previous classes. However, as it was mentioned in the beginning of class, the class would have a lot of relative talks about Robert Moses and his works.

One of the major things that this class had me realize is how big Robert Moses was throughout New York State and not only in ā€œThe City.ā€ Nonetheless, he is a controversial figure in history. Because yes, he was able to achieve a lot of grand schemes but for some it was viewed as a successful sacrifice. Meanwhile, for others he was a person who didnā€™t really care for the poor at the time since it can be said that he gentrified many places.

It comes as no surprise that Robert Moses may be the person I chose since that is the person whom seemed so concretely founded upon New York States architectural designs.

Discussion # 8

Iā€™m not sure if Veterans Day is taken in good manner being a holiday. Iā€™m not sure how Veterans might feel about the day. Never really asked how veterans felt about the day. However, I can imagine how some may feel that they at least get a day that is dedicated to them. However, why should a whole nation feel the need to celebrate especially in deviation; many families making it about themselves rather than the true people on reserves.

Now, onto this image I feel like the end of the war is very fresh during this time. So, society may be focusing more on the value of their veterans by showcasing and demonstrating appreciation; in this case throwing them a party. The photo also feels very young which demonstrates how young men were being recruited at the time.

Discussion # 6

The Triborough bridge is a structure Iā€™m not exposed to as much majorly since Iā€™m a Brooklyn resident and never felt the need to traverse any of its pathways. However, I do feel itā€™s a significant moment in engineering for the city. Having three of its boroughs connected and lessening travel times from one to another is a major accomplishment. I can envision the analogy that Robert Moses had when he said, ā€œThis will be an artery of the city.ā€ It really accomplishes that reference from its physical construction to the flow of pedestrians and cars.

The bridge may also play a key component in the progress of the nation and city as it recuperated from the Great Depression.

Now, Iā€™m sure MTA has control of this toll bridge as it does with all the other bridges in NYC and they persistently keep raising toll prices as if it werenā€™t difficult enough for the average New Yorker. I understand the concept of repaying in taxes and toll fees but the MTA has been known to be an agency that only seeks more profit without providing proper service.

Discussion # 5

As I profoundly observe the image my mind disperses into various modes. It brings out a reflective sadness by knowing that living conditions nearly a century ago were vastly different. Yet, it also brings out a little worry, as a human being it makes you think, what if our current situation wasn’t so far away from reaching such an extreme poverty and unemployment rates. However, knowing that this is history, it brings reflective thoughts, and it makes me know what and where I wouldn’t want to go as an individual and as a citizen of this nation. On another note, it makes me somewhat upset at the unappreciativeness, ignorance and insensibility that some American citizens become forgetful of where we came from as a nation and the potholes that we have stepped as a nation as well. Because of that, as a nation we also find ourselves just looping upon similar problems that we shouldn’t be in because they already occurred in history or once again have at least given us an example of what not to do and head into a more prosperous direction.

Nonetheless, I must be grateful that we are in different times and different lifestyles from what is shown in the image. One can only imagine what it feels like to be deemed to live in such lifestyle because of unfair circumstances and points in life out of our control.

Discussion # 4

As someone who has visited Jones beach I can say, ā€œThe legacy of Robert Moses, and reasoning of why it was created and monumental impact it had among crowds is still vividly lived today.ā€ It indeed is one of the busiest beaches on the East Coast in my opinion and it’s a beach that has that welcoming appeal and warm feeling towards the masses. I can see and appreciate how the public must have felt when Jones beach first open in the 20th century since it had so many components and amenities for a beachside oceanfront land area. It was something different for the time. and now as it becomes a historical landscape you can still happily visit and appreciate the content the beach has to offer although to a generation of now it might not seem as impressive at first glance.

            Another interesting observation from the video and from the article is the fact that two men despite not having the best relationship among each other, they were both able to overcome their differences and stand up for something they both strongly believed in, and that was the protection of public park. The protection of green spaces which are very ideal in a city.

Discussion 3

As a person who has been presented with the opportunity of living in an era where car culture is immense and where MTA is part of New York City culture; I will refer to both being a user for both myself.

I observe NYC to be one of those cities where almost all its residents and tourists ride the subway. Itā€™s almost inevitable. However, while the benefit for subway is meant to be to reduce time to get from one place to another; I feel like MTA hasnā€™t been able to live up to that expectation for a few years now.

One of its major drawbacks as we were all able to observe this year is how easy it is for something that threatens the masses becomes a battleground for the spread of a virus. The subway becomes a panic room and almost a traumatic experience once people must embark on a subway journey again. However, I feel like, investing in rail can be far more useful for the city. Why? Because although cars allow more control of your path; it has become detrimental the impact they have on the environment. Yes, we are investing onto electric and hybrid cars but due to the heavy presence of cars you can tell the way gas emissions are affecting the environment. Theyā€™re on of the major contributions to the smog in a city and pollution. Plus, the fact that driving sometimes can no longer be enjoyable due to traffic. Itā€™s irritating to have to endure the sound of cars beeping at one another and just moving at 2 mph while in the highway because your stuck in traffic.

Discussion #2

By observing the picture Iā€™ve come to reflect how different children seemed to appear and behave at the time. They seem still and thought provoked by what theyā€™re mind is indulging at that moment. Itā€™s something very distinct to find a classroom nowadays where children are not losing attention because of something else; even though the children in the photo know there was a cameraman in the room.

 Itā€™s interesting to see the technological advancement we have achieved in a year yet; our method of teaching almost remained the same. However, the appreciation that these children demonstrate while reading is something that shouldnā€™t be taken for granted since kids find reading boring nowadays compared to their other entertainment components now offered.

Now a major thing that must be acknowledged is the steps forward that society has made bringing unison upon students; whether rich or poor, whether male or female and a larger scale of variety upon student ethnicities.

Also knowing that this picture comes in the midst of the Settlement House Movement makes me think how this could be a photo showcasing how privileged children were the only ones able to afford an education or a photo of the actual movement where leaders in society at the time came to unify a branch of the education system to make the gap between the rich and poor smaller.

Discussion Thread 1

As I grew up and came to settle down in NYC again, I revisited this place that only brought nostalgia as I got closer to it. I was able to feel the rigid stone sidewalks and finding myself staring at the picturesque uniformity of residences in the neighborhood and even smelling the freshness that spring was cooking up with the beauty of its trees. While all of this was occurring, my mind was just remembering members who played a significant role in the appreciation I had and have for Prospect Park. As a kid who was able to experience this public park by running, family gatherings, sledding and visiting its zoo.

Itā€™s a place that hits different when visiting. Prospect Park plays a significant role in the borough of Brooklyn, it nearly serves as a symbol of pride for us people of Brooklyn. The park is often compared to Central Park despite Central Parkā€™s superior size. There are people who feel like Prospect allows oneself to immerse themselves a little more intimately with nature rather than being exposed to a swarm of people in Manhattan.  

However, itā€™s astonishing that a park that was created, little more than 150 years ago (1867) still amazes people and is one of the factors for a higher cost of rent around the area of Park Slope.