According to Walter Gropius, the art of the past was missing the unity, universality and balance, creating a work without fundamental inner meaning. That is exactly why he founded Bauhaus, the art institution based on ideas of “creating a new unity through welding together of many “arts” and movements”.

Gropius believed that schooling without natural talent would never produce ingenious art. However, he saw theoretical training and manual dexterity as a necessary foundation for all creative efforts. Without the knowledge of the language of construction, design theory, structural laws, form, and color, the ideas would never emerge from chaos. This is a powerful thought that made me think more about imagination and the creative process.

I absolutely loved reading Moholy Nagy’s Typophoto essay about his enthusiasm for typography + photograph which according to him is the visually most “exact rendering of communication.” This still remains valid even today, especially in advertising! (which requires the most effective, exact rendering of communication). Daily we are exposed to ads containing a photograph, logo, and simple typography. Somehow, parts of the brain responsible for typographic and photographic visual processing go hand in hand together and in the end, this creates a fulfilling visual experience; this is certainly what Moholy Nagy was trying to convey in his teachings.