The authors of these readings looked at their era as the start of the revolution of graphic design and media in general, but they were still worried about the future of typography. Since Johannes Gutenberg, there hasn’t been any change to how the type looks it is all the same. As one of the authors said it created boredom, so he wanted this to change and he believed that to change it we have four ways, I think we still haven’t accomplished the revitalization that he meant for typography, the way that might lead us to have typography that crosses language barriers and relay pure meaning without complications is to create new typography.

We should aim for a future where the world isn’t so divided because if you think about this world, we live on a tiny little fragment in a massive universe, and to accomplish this unity we first need to be able to communicate with each other as one. As designers, we might need to make an optically logical language that would be easy to learn and teach the whole world. In my opinion, to accomplish this we need to go back to glyphs but make them from scratch as logical symbols that don’t need that much knowledge to understand.