I think that language is a form of art. A living and breathing collective and unconscious entity/ system that exists that we all as a community contribute to in order to function and survive as humans. As mentioned in the reading “Design as an Art” by Munari; good language helps us communicate and express the realities of our surroundings but it is also a reflection of our environment; which is why I think it has changed over the years and what might have been a well understood symbol in 1960 may not be understood now. The use of words structured in a particular way or sound as a human experience separates it from other forms of language. For instance, signs are a visual but not verbal form language that helps relay a message in order to communicate.

I think in the structure of language when a community collectively relates a particular image, symbol or icon to an idea; it becomes part of language. In graphic communication a symbol or design is able to relay a particular message or even be used in place of that message to be understood by a community. This really is how signs, signifiers and the signified are employed in general communication; the sign being the image, the concept being the signified and the sound image as the signifier.

Language has shaped design in a significant way; I believe this is true because language came before design and set a foundational stone where design was able to grow and flourish. in the on going years. After the readings, I have a high understanding that they both work hand in hand together. In the past, art can be depicted as a selfish form of expression, as opposed to design. Design is a social activity; it was made not just for the use of singularity but for the advancement/ enhancement of our community. I believe design can accomplish things that language cannot do, it helps solve/ address problems and shed light on everyday practices of the world.