From the reading named Course in General Linguistics by Ferdinand de Saussure. I learned two new words, one is Linguistics and the other one Semiology, which have many different functions in the human’s life and communication. Linguistics is the scientific way to study the human language by observing an interplay between sound and meaning. Semiology corresponds to the sign process and the communication of it. Linguistics deals with speaking in which one person communicates with another. Linguistics is part of semiology and it is considered a tool of design which helps to describe and therefore understand what the reading is trying to say. These two terms show an extension that goes deeper into words or visuals and both shows its importance in the communication field.
We use signs and symbols in everyday language such as the ways to go to the right or the left. Signs these days have become major communication in human lives that guaranteed directions and a correct way to go which communicates a specific idea. Society is capable of understanding signs that are easy to catch at the present moment. I have seen many signs such as the signs for the bathroom, the traffic signs, hand signs or even the traffic lights which portrays a message.
Semiology can be broken into parts such as signifiers, signified, and signs which are able to put together communication. Signifier and signified is a combination that portrays a particular idea. Signifier (sound, printed word, or image) is the form which the sign takes and signified is the meaning that the sign gives. The sign contains the combination of the signifier and signified which form an important unity in communication.
Language and graphic communication and visual arts are related because language is like a storehouse of sound or images and writing them produces an illustration of them which conduct to graphic. Language gives a way to communicate with others via concepts. Graphic communication projects an image or forms of what the language is trying to say and visual arts helps to convey the message that the graphic is trying to make in society that can be easily understandable. For example a sign must be good and understandable so the viewers will be pleased but if it doesn’t work, society will not comprehend what the sign is trying to say and therefore the sign will not have communication.