COMD3504 - Section OL01 - Fall 2020

Author: Isaac N Maldonado (Page 2 of 2)

Assignment 4 – Bauhaus Designers

According to these artists, the art in the past was centered around “the academy” and keeps the artist away from the industry and handicraft. Walter Gropius said this situation limits the artists and their possibilities. He made a clear statement when he declared “Schooling alone can never produce art”. Besides, the education of the basis is necessary in parallel with the experience in the real world, where the artists can find inspiration even in environments that are not related to art.
The new strategies that they referred are those related to the new world who is heavily influenced by the prominent presence of the visual arts, in a world where what we see determines if we are attracted or not to the art, literature, and advertisement. This brings the necessity of adapting the words to the visual, mix them, make them compatible, and created a specie of visual literature. All these components are necessary to fuse and keep pushing the new ways of forms of art and design that will determine how the future will look.
The language must find new paths to keep transmitting its meaning in the new eras, the language should appropriate the advantages of visual art to deliver in a clearer manner to new generations. The more we see, the less we read. Constant exposure to visual material has dulled our sense of seeing and our memory. This phenomenon is devastating for the new apprentices and students, who are unable to hold their attention in long readings, lectures, or educational videos. This is a huge wall that my generation must surpass to get the knowledge. At least until the technology finds a way to transmit those pieces of knowledge directly to our brains.
They preview a world where the library will be a substitute for an archive of microfilms. Now, we know in the reality library will be a substitute for a digital version inside of the internet. Where we can access all that knowledge through hyperlinks. However, the idea of the books disappearing from the paper medium keeps being a running possibility. Finally. They predicted they will be a universal visual medium that closes the gap between languages. They are huge advances in that field. We can name translator programs directly, emojis, graphic elements that acknowledge almost in the whole roundness of the planet.

Assignment 3

The 3 documents that we read, the el Lissitzky’s document is the more clarifying. I use “the futuristic manifesto” and “Manifesto of the Constructivist Group” as support for the ideas expressed in the “our book”. In the beginning of the 20th century the authors envision that the future will bring a fastest-pace way of work, increasing the amplitude of colors and the infer the possibilities of newest technologies that were starting new waves of design at that time.

The technology will have a key role in the application of these new techniques shaping the world into a more digital, compact, and easy one. They imagine the world will be shape in a similar way as the printed book with solely works did in the past.

All of them anticipate a world where human society will be attached. Somehow, dominated by the presence of machines. Two of them express a pessimistic and darker vision of that future, And El lissitzky delivered a more positive point of view. They were amazingly accurate with their vision, we are in a world with a faster-pace of work and live, we are surrounded by the machines that catch almost every aspect of our life, the imaginary and sound have the impact that Guttenberg achieved centuries ago with his printing press, and finally, the pessimistic point of view of the manifestos is out here with some negative effects that technology has over human society.

Assignment 2 – Abigail Maldonado

1 What is language?

It is a system that compouned by spoken or written sounds, symbols, and icons.

2 How it is different form communication in general?

The language is product from a long process of generations who molded the languages and components little by little, the language have roots and meanings that goes beyond what we can see immediately as the superficial meaning of the words that we use daily.

3 What role does language play in design?

The words can have multiple meanings. These meanings depend as we isolated them, which environment are deployed, the people who are the receptors, the need they are covering, a example of  these can be the word “illuminated” it is not the same to say: you illuminated pretty well the face of the model in that photography, or a good illuminated book. In one you refer to a technique of lights, in the other is a whole graphic style created in the medieval times. So, the use the proper language in design is a keystone to fast integrated teams of the people to convey in work effectively in projects. The designers must properly use the meaning of the words in their distinctive part of the system.  

4 How are symbols or iconographic related to language?

The base of the language started as attempt of humanity of translate the world that we observe to a simple and easy to use method. Firstly, representing the best that we can what we saw. This brings the firsts icons. Secondly, in the need of be more practical that icons turn into symbols that allow us to expand to more abstract ideas. Thirdly, in the pursuit of express more with less the use of words finally appeared.

5 How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in general communication?

The common use of the language focus the on the message itself. This is the main reason why the common language is practical and direct. That’s why signs, signifiers and the signified unite under the simplicity and easy to understand meaning that not implies a previous or profound knowledge of the words.

6 How are signs, signifiers, and the signified employed in graphic design?

The communication of the designer with our customers, clients or viewers is strongly a visual language. The language combines different visual elements to transmit message.

7 what facts or details from these texts provoke ideas for developing new designs strategies?

The fact that the base of our language was the visual, the attempt to capture what we saw thought different mediums, icons, and symbols. We the designers are the pinnacle of our species to keep evolving the language. If what we saw defined the language, the language determines the reach of our society, we are defining the language and the world for our future generations.  

8 what can archaic numbering system or rudimentary signage show us about language or the design process?

That a symbol can contain more a more meaning when visually is in the reality less complex. An example of this is the use of vertical lines to represent the number 1. Now, we can add 0 that represent 10, we no longer need ten vertical lines, another 0, now it is 100, and so on. The evolution of that is the potency, a simple 10³ can substitute a 1000 or a thousand of vertical lines. Then, we started the reign of complex mathematics where a simple letter can represent a gigantic number in a theorem.

Assignment 1b-Abigail Maldonado

From the article is that Armstrong explains the early signs of modern graphic design , it was shown that early movement as the Avant-Garde truly believe design should be more functional. Armstrong point out the designers of today must be a mix neutrality and objectivity that is still impossible to find which one is better. So, they must be integrated in equal porportion in a good standard work in nowaday.

         Armstrong mentioned some elements that have to be a kind of landmarks in the modern designers. 1 The design itself must display its meaning in a language accesible almost to anybody.  2 The designer have a great responsability with the society where the works are shown. 3 Each design must have a great charge of inspiration to other designers that have the privilige of seeing the Works.  

          Munari concentrates his opinión on the impact that technology and take the new designs unto a new whole level and being more creative, vibrant, and complex. There are some issues of being inspired by the past, sometimes too much! The modern designers concentrate to emulate in new media, the past glories of the design. This is something that the modern design has to surpass, it is a goal of our generation and those who will follow us to take the whole advantages that new media offer us and create new styles only possible for our tools, our creativity, our generation.

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