In these short essays from these former designers/artist associated with the Bauhaus movement, I found interesting how they honed in heavily on the art of type and language. The importance of typographic design mixed with photography and how it changed graphic design and is still very influential to this day. In Herberts essay he lets you know the importance of typography and how essential it is to a graphic designers and the need for typography to evolve and grow so the graphic designer to can grow and not become bored within design.

László coins the term typophoto the emergence of typography and photography into one art form. This to me is what graphic design is today, we live in a digital/visual age where we communicate with each other a lot more now than ever before. To László typophoto was a manifesto of visual communication and inspired by other forms of art. I found the Walter Gropius reading hard to understand but it seems that art is something that can be taught and mastered through education that it is a profession just like another.