This weeks reading assignment I learned a lot the originals of language sound and symbols and the roles they play and it evolution to present day. I also learned the about the relationship between language, sound, and communication and how they differ form each other. Language is a very complex system, a system of signs that evolve from the activity of speech. It is the link between thought and sound.

Language plays a role in design because it directly linked to symbols, without symbols there would be no language without language it would be difficult to communicate. As designers we use the connection between symbols and language to portray a message to the viewer. Design is another form of communication similar to the numbering symbols used in the past used to count and show transactions. Symbols or iconography are directly related to language, they both are derived from one another, they both were essential to the form of spoken communication, as they both came from primitive beginnings then once thoughts and the need for communication evolved so did language.

Signs, signifiers, and the signified are employed in general communication because a sign is a combination of a concept and a sound-image. The concept is what is signified, and the sound-image is the signifier according to Saussure. The text provokes new ideas in design because it show the direct link of symbols sounds and language, so as these change so too will design.