Art is constantly changing, just as the world and technology does. Designers have always played a role in that change. In this weeks reading both Armstrong and Munari have views on what the designers role should be in society. Armstrong focuses on the 21st century and the relationship between clients and designers. How many designers now are more empowered through authorship by creating their own content and publishing it themselves and having their voices heard. Munari believes that the designers should be less egocentric and be more of a public service while implementing great aesthetics. Munari also believes that there are many different forms of designer and each play a specific role in the design process and tho they tell a different story they are all necessary to make things functional.  

A designer is a planner with an aesthetic sense. Designers should absolutely concern themselves on unsolvable theoretical questions, because that is how problems are solved.  Advancements in technology has played a huge role in design it has opened a new level of creativity to be explored. Technology’s role today for designers is its biggest it’s ever been we live in a digital space where screens and monitors dominate our lives. 

I believe the most urgent problem designers face today is noise, meaning too many people having access and tools to create. Making it harder to stand out and be heard a little more difficult. It also allows for mis information to be spread. I believe designers can help solve this problem by simply being better at there craft, by using great design and aesthetics to stand out above the noise.