From the reading I found that communication in a form of typophoto is the missing piece in design. In the reading Laslo describe how lifeless some design has been with the advancement of technology , the which is why I believe that Laslo idea of having typophoto idea has became much of a staple fundamental of design in which the text should be more attentive as much as the photo, but also have the photo gives words without putting text. The idea of new technique of typography in the design does add meaning by adding photos and by that logic I believe that it is very important for anyone’s design to reach greatness by having to use images on their type. 
The most important context I can take away from Gropius Bauhaus “The Theory and Organization of the Bauhaus” is that design can’t truly be done by just studying the art. Sure it can reinforce some of the technique that it is hard to learn, but design itself should be something “you” the designer have to make yourself as it is your creation from what you learn from teaching , there’s always a new way to learn from doing thing individually and seeing the art of other as inspiration.